Difference between revisions of "Oolite JavaScript Reference: PlayerShip"

From Elite Wiki
(Added two 1.74 methods which are actually defined on Ship but only useful on PlayerShip.)
(Moving Oolite JS reference into a subcategory of Oolite scripting.)
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'''See also''': <code>[[#specialCargo|specialCargo]]</code>
'''See also''': <code>[[#specialCargo|specialCargo]]</code>
[[Category:Oolite scripting]]
[[Category:Oolite JavaScript reference]]

Revision as of 15:55, 19 June 2010

Prototype: Ship

The PlayerShip class is an Entity representing the player’s ship. The PlayerShip has all the properties and methods of a Ship, and several others.



aftShield : Number (read/write, nonnegative)

The current aft shield level, ranging from 0 to maxAftShield.

See also: aftShieldRechargeRate, forwardShield, maxAftShield


aftShieldRechargeRate : Number (read-only, nonnegative)

The rate at which the aft shield recharges (assuming enough energy is available). This is affected by equipment – currently, the Military Shield Enhancement. Currently always the same as forwardShieldRechargeRate, but this may change in future.

See also: aftShield, forwardShieldRechargeRate, maxAftShield


This property was added in Oolite test release 1.74.

compassMode : String (read-only)

Returns the current compass mode, which can be any one of the following:



This property was added in Oolite test release 1.74.

compassTarget : Entity(read-only)

Points at the entity currently targeted by the compass.


cursorCoordinates : Vector2D (read-only)

Gives the current x and y cursor Coordinates on the long range screen. The z coordinate is always 0.


docked : Boolean (read-only)

True if the player is docked with a station or carrier.


dockedStation : Station (read-only)

The station with which the player is currently docked.


forwardShield : Number (read/write, nonnegative)

The current forward shield level, ranging from 0 to maxForwardShield.

See also: aftShield, forwardShieldRechargeRate, maxForwardShield


forwardShieldRechargeRate : Number (read-only, nonnegative)

The rate at which the forward shield recharges (assuming enough energy is available). This is affected by equipment – currently, the Military Shield Enhancement. Currently always the same as aftShieldRechargeRate, but this may change in future.

See also: aftShieldRechargeRate, forwardShield, maxForwardShield


fuelLeakRate : Number (read/write)

The rate at which the player is losing fuel, in tenths of a LY per second. May not be negative. Reset to 0 when fuel is empty.


galacticHyperspaceBehaviour : String (read/write)

A string indicating what the effect of a galactic hyperspace jump will be. The available options are:

  • "BEHAVIOUR_STANDARD": the player arrives in the closest system to the starting point that is part of the main group of stars. Small groups (as seen in galaxy 6, among others) can’t be reached.
  • "BEHAVIOUR_ALL_SYSTEMS_REACHABLE": The player arrives at the closest system to the starting point, even if it is in a small group. Important: this can leave the player stranded, unless there are missions providing the possibility of escape!
  • "BEHAVIOUR_FIXED_COORDINATES": The player arrives at the system closest to galacticHyperspaceFixedCoords.

See also: galacticHyperspaceFixedCoords,


galacticHyperspaceFixedCoords : Vector3D (read/write)

The destination coordinates when galacticHyperspaceBehaviour mode is "GALACTIC_HYPERSPACE_BEHAVIOUR_FIXED_COORDINATES". The z coordinate will always be 0, and x and y will always be integers ranging from 0 to 255.

See also: galacticHyperspaceBehaviour


galaxyCoordinates : Vector3D (read-only)

Gives the current x and y galactic coordinates. The z coordinate is always 0.


This property was added in Oolite test release 1.74.

hud : String (read/write)

The name of the HUD plists defining the ship’s head up display.


This property was added in Oolite test release 1.74.

hudHidden : Boolean (read/write)

Whether the HUD should be visible.


This property was added in Oolite test release 1.74.

manifest : Manifest (read/write)

The manifest contains all the cargo the player carries. It can be addressed as a property of playerShip as well as a class Manifest of its own.


maxAftShield : Number (read-only, nonnegative)

The highest possible value of aftShield. This is affected by equipment – currently the Shield Boosters and Military Shield Enhancement. Currently always the same as maxForwardShield, but this may change in future.

See also: aftShield, aftShieldRechargeRate, maxForwardShield


maxAftShield : Number (read-only, nonnegative)

The highest possible value of forwardShield. This is affected by equipment – currently the Shield Boosters and Military Shield Enhancement. Currently always the same as maxAftShield, but this may change in future.

See also: forwardShield, forwardShieldRechargeRate, maxAftShield


reticleTargetSensitive : Boolean (read/write)

If true, and Scanner Targeting Enhancement is installed, the selected target reticle will light up in red when the target is in the player’s sights. This is equivalent to the reticle_target_sensitive key in HUD plists.


scriptedMisjump : Boolean (read/write)

When true, the next hyperspace jump will be a misjump. Scripted misjumps have a lifespan of one jump only, then they are autoreset. The scripted_misjump flag will remain set to true during the shipWillExitWitchspace handler, but will be back to false at the end of the shipExitedWitchspace handler


This property was added in Oolite test release 1.74.

scoopOverride : Boolean (read/write)

If true, and the player has a fuel scoop, the fuel scoop effect will run even if not close to a sun or scooping cargo.


specialCargo : String (read-only)

The special cargo the player is carrying, if any; otherwise null.

See also: useSpecialCargo()


targetSystem : Integer (read-only)

The ID of the selected hyperspace target system.

See also: useSpecialCargo()



This method was added in Oolite test release 1.74.

function addPassenger(name : String, start : Number, destination : Number, arrivalTime : Number, fee : Number) : Boolean

Add a passenger contract to the ship. arrivalTime is the arrival time in seconds and must be greater than the current time. start and destination are the ID numbers of the start and end systems.

Returns false when there is no room for the passenger or the arrival time is invalid.


 player.ship.awardPassenger("cmdr Jameson", 34, 67, clock.seconds+3*24*3600, 1500);

If successful - and in galaxy chart 1 - the player will have cmdr Jameson as a passenger, his documents will show that he boarded the ship at Inus, to go to Cemave, within exactly 3 days, and the player will be given 1500 credits if he gets there on time (early or late arrival will affect the amount paid).

N.B. Normally a passenger will pay the captain a small advance upon boarding. Using this method, no inital payment is made.


This method was added in Oolite test release 1.74.

function awardContract(quantity : Number, commodity : String, start : Number, destination : Number, arrivalTime : Number, fee : Number) : Boolean

Add a cargo contract to the ship. arrivalTime is the arrival time in seconds and must be greater than the current time. start and destination are the ID numbers of the start and end systems.

Returns false when there is no room for the cargo, the arrival time is invalid.


player.ship.awardContract(12, "Food", 34, 67, clock.seconds+7*24*3600, 5000)

If successful - and in galaxy chart 1 - the player will have 12 more food containers on board, the manifest will show that the cargo was picked up at Inus, to be delivered at Cemave, within exactly 7 days, and the player will be given 5000 credits if the cargo is delivered on time (early or late delivery will affect the amount paid). N.B. Normally to get a contract, the player will have to buy the cargo at the local market price. Using this method, no inital payment is made.


This method was added in Oolite test release 1.74.

function awardEquipmentToCurrentPylon(item : equipmentInfoExpression) : Boolean

Replace the missile or mine currently being launched with the specified item (which must be an external store). This will only have an effect if called while a missile or mine is being launched.

Bug: In Oolite 1.74.0, if awardEquipmentToCurrentPylon() fails the script will be halted without any error message. In future versions, it will simply return false.

See also: Ship.awardEquipment()


This method was added in Oolite test release 1.74.

function disengageAutopilot()

Disenable autopilot.

See also: engageAutopilotToStation()


This method was added in Oolite test release 1.74.

function engageAutopilotToStation(station : Station) : Boolean

Engage autopilot, set to dock with the specified station.

Bug: In Oolite 1.74.0, if engageAutopilotToStation() fails in certain ways the script will be halted without any error message. In future versions, it will simply return false.

See also: disengageAutopilot()


function launch()

Launches the player’s ship if it is currently docked.


function removeAllCargo()

Removes all cargo from the ship’s cargo bay.


function useSpecialCargo(description : String)

Fills the cargo bay with the cargo described, effectively disabling the use of the cargo bay until the cargo is removed.

See also: specialCargo