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[http://www.thargoid.talktalk.net/drones_1.01.zip '''Drones v1.01'''] can be downloaded from my webspace by clicking on the link.
[http://www.box.net/shared/o4ys7xjrek '''Drones v1.01'''] can be downloaded from my webspace by clicking on the link.

Revision as of 21:52, 29 March 2009


After a bruising large-scale encounter with a Thargoid fleet, the Aquarian Shipbuilding Corporation's ships weapons division heads decided that an answer was needed to the threat posed by Tharglet robot fighters. Using some captured examples, some missiles, know-how and a couple of trumbles (they had to work late and missed dinner), the dedicated backroom boys have produced two standard civilian drones, plus a special Galcop variant especially designed for the next encounter with the Thargoids.


Combat Drone.

This is the standard model drone, pylon mounted and launched via a special cannister launcher. Interacting with the launching ships targetting computers, it seeks out targets hostile to the mothership and attacks them using its in-built beam laser.

It will carry on seeking out and harassing hostile targets (and drawing their fire) until either it is destroyed, runs out of fuel or no targets remain. In the latter two cases the drone goes inactive and can then be fuel-scooped (where fitted) like any other cargo, and if damage is light it can be refuelled and used again.

Kamikaze Drone.

A variant on the Combat Drone, this equipment features a light yield warhead, with the decision to use it being under the control of the drones systems. Designed to be more deadly to its primary target, it is of course at the expense of being reusable if the warhead is deployed.

Aside from this it works in exactly the same way as a standard Combat Drone in terms of pick-up and reusage.

Anti-Thargoid Drone.

Especially commissioned by Galcop, but with the current levels of threat made more generally available, this variant is designed especially to fight Thargoid vessels. It has an enhanced military-grade laser and fuel mix for extended range. The drones targetting computers are especially programmed to seek out and target any Thargoid vessel, and will ignore any other ship type.

As with the other drones, if it survives its alien encounter, it can be scooped and if sufficiently undamaged, refuelled and reused.


This OXP requires at least test version 1.70 of Oolite.


Drones v1.01 can be downloaded from my webspace by clicking on the link.
