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m (Army Tower)
(54 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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==Techs Table==
Techs with links currently have descriptions. Page under construction.<br>
The topmost techs are the ones you get to do first. You must research one in the highest section in each column before doing the next one down. For example you must have researched Ship Computers before you can do the Research Laboratory
{| class="wikitable"
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! scope="row"|25
! scope="row"|25
|Dagger Missile<br>Tirium Armor
|[[#Dagger Missile|Dagger Missile]]<br>[[#Tirium Armour|Tirium Armour]]
|Ship Computers
|[[#Ship Computers|Ship Computers]]
|Star Base<br>Army Tower
|[[#Star Base|Star Base]]<br>[[#Army Tower|Army Tower]]
|Small Plasma<br>Accelerator<br>Laser Rifle<br>Scanner Class 1
|[[#Small Plasma Accelerator|Small Plasma<br>Accelerator]]<br>[[#Laser Rifle|Laser Rifle]]<br>[[#Scanner Class I|Scanner Class I]]
|Hyperdrive Class VI<br>Trillium Bomb<br>Hyperdrive Class VII
|[[#Hyperdrive Class VI|Hyperdrive Class VI]]<br>[[#Trillium Bomb|Trillium Bomb]]<br>[[#Hyperdrive Class VII|Hyperdrive Class VII]]
Line 29: Line 31:
|Interceptor Torpedo<br>Structural Booster
|[[#Interceptor Torpedo|Interceptor Torpedo]]<br>[[#Structural Booster|Structural Booster]]
|Troop Equipment<br>Hyperdrive Class VIII
|[[#Troop Equipment|Troop Equipment]]<br>[[#Hyperdrive Class VIII|Hyperdrive Class VIII]]
Line 38: Line 40:
|Research Laboratory<br>Visual Computer<br>Moor IFF System
|[[#Research Laboratory|Research Laboratory]]<br>[[#Visual Computer|Visual Computer]]<br>[[#Moor IFF System|Moor IFF System]]
|Automated Factories<br>Missile Base<br>Advanced Armour
|[[#Automated Factories|Automated Factories]]<br>[[#Missile Base|Missile Base]]<br>[[#Advanced Armour|Advanced Armour]]
|Parium Beam<br>Parium Rifle
|[[#Parium Beam|Parium Beam]]<br>[[#Parium Rifle|Parium Rifle]]
|Training Centre
|[[#Training Centre|Training Centre]]
! scope="row"|125
! scope="row"|125
|Wrap Inductor Class I<br>Iradium Armour
|[[#Wrap Inductor Class I|Wrap Inductor Class I]]<br>[[#Iradium Armour|Iradium Armour]]
|Shields Class I<br>Particle Emitter<br>Class I<br>ECM Class I
|[[#Shields Class I|Shields Class I]]<br>[[#Particle Emitter|Particle Emitter]]<br>[[#ECM Class I|ECM Class I]]
|Scanner Class II<br>Battle Scanner
|[[#Scanner Class II|Scanner Class II]]<br>[[#Battle Scanner|Battle Scanner]]
|Parium Bomb<br>CA Evasion<br>Wrap Drive Class I
|[[#Parium Bomb|Parium Bomb]]<br>[[#CA Evasion|CA Evasion]]<br>[[#Wrap Drive Class I|Wrap Drive Class I]]
! scope="row"|200
! scope="row"|200
|Retort Centre<br>Soil Diffusion<br>BC Bomb Class I
|[[#Retort Centre|Retort Centre]]<br>[[#Soil Diffusion|Soil Diffusion]]<br>[[#BC Bomb Class I|BC Bomb Class I]]
|Settlement Base<br>Space Port<br>Armour Barracks
|[[#Settlement Base|Settlement Base]]<br>[[#Space Port|Space Port]]<br>[[#Armour Barracks|Armour Barracks]]
|Emergency Hyperdrive
|[[#Emergency Hyperdrive|Emergency Hyperdrive]]
Line 186: Line 188:
==Biology Tech Tree==
==Biology Tech Tree==
===Agriculture Plant===
===Agriculture Plant===
An autonome environment, enhanced by biological organisms, in which food can be grown. It increases the food output of a world by +2 food.
An autonome environment, enhanced by biological organisms, in which food can be grown. It increases the food output of a world by +2 food. Requires Farm Machinery if bought in advance.
===Tungeen Processor===
===Tungeen Processor===
Provides better control for environmental conditions, allowing colonization of the more intolerable areas of the planet. Maximum planetary population is increased by +2.
Provides better control for environmental conditions, allowing colonization of the more intolerable areas of the planet. Maximum planetary population is increased by +2. Requires Air Processors if bought in advance.
===Retort Centre===
===Retort Centre===
A special healing process using a variation of genes, increasing the population growth by +0.1 per day as long as the current population is below the planetary maximum.
===Soil Diffusion===
===Soil Diffusion===
Using nano-machines, planetary soil can be enriched and strengthened, increasing the food a farmer can produce by +1. Soil Diffusion will not work in barren, irradiated, and toxic planets.
===BC Bomb Class I===
===BC Bomb Class I===
Genetically engineered viruses that attack organic lifeforms. Introduced by orbital bombardment, each launch has a 10% chance to kill 1 unit of colonists.
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==Chemistry Tech Tree==
==Chemistry Tech Tree==
===Dagger Missile===
===Dagger Missile===
Carries a high yield nuclear warhead that inflicts 1 ton of damage.
===Tirium Armour===
===Tirium Armour===
The standard armour of ships. Only the best bonus from all the installed Armour will apply.
===Wrap Inductor Class I===
===Wrap Inductor Class I===
Wrap Inductors are self-contained bio-chemical power stations, which support nearly endless energy flow, and is even able to store energy. Supplies energy for a wrap drive of a ship at 0.02 per hour. Can store a maximum of 1 Energy.
===Iradium Armour===
===Iradium Armour===
Ships with this armour have twice the base structure and armour points. The hit rate is multiplied by 1.5. Adds +10 to ground troops' combat strengths. Only the best bonus from all installed armour will apply.
===Wrap Inductor Class II===
===Wrap Inductor Class II===
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==Computers Tech Tree==
==Computers Tech Tree==
===Ship Computers===
===Ship Computers===
Directs starships weapons' fire and is automatically equipped on all ships, increasing chance to hit by +25%. This bonus is lost if the computer is damaged or destroyed. Only the best bonus from all the installed Computers is applied.
===Research Laboratory===
===Research Laboratory===
The Laboratory houses state-of-the-art computers, creating a superior research environment. Generates 5 research points and and increases the research each researcher produces by +1.
===Visual Computer===
===Visual Computer===
Directs all starship weapons' fire, adding +50 to the chance to hit. Bonus is lost if the computer is destroyed. Only the best bonus from all installed computers will apply.
===Moor IFF System===
===Moor IFF System===
Provides friend-or-foe recognition guidance to missiles. They will retarget the nearest enemy ship if their target is destroyed.
===Kinesthetic Computer===
===Kinesthetic Computer===
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==Construction Tech Tree==
==Construction Tech Tree==
===Star Base===
===Star Base===
Armed orbital platforms used to service military ships. They are equipped with extensive weaponry, the best available scanner with a +2 scanning range bonus and a shipyard capable of building ships up to 300 tons. The capacity of cloaked hangars at hidden stations is increased to 2. Requires Battle Weapons if bought in advance.
===Army Tower===
===Army Tower===
Lets the colony train troops for ground invasion protection. Begins with 4 marine units, then trains about 1 unit every 5 days, up to the planet's current population. Eliminates morale penalties. Requires Hand Weapons if bought in advance.
===Interceptor Torpedo===
===Interceptor Torpedo===
Can only target missiles. They will fire defensively against approaching missiles, if not yet fired in that turn. The chance to score a hit is 50%, plus 10% per moving turn.
===Structural Booster===
===Structural Booster===
Triples the structural integrity of a ship and provides more protection for the ship's drive systems.
===Automated Factories===
===Automated Factories===
Helps workers build their products. Generates +5 production and increases the production each worker generates by +1.
===Missile Base===
===Missile Base===
Holds 300 tons of your best missiles, with unlimited ammo.
===Advanced Armour===
===Advanced Armour===
Advance armour negates armour-piercing effects and reinforces ships, doubling the amount of damage the armour can absorb. This is an upgrade, and applies to your best installed armour.
===Settlement Base===
===Settlement Base===
Creates a settlement base on another planet in the same star system as the building base.
===Space Port===
===Space Port===
Site for commercial transactions, increasing the money generation of a colony by +50%.
===Armour Barracks===
===Armour Barracks===
Creates tank battalions. It has 2 units when built, and adds 1 unit every 10 days, with a limit of half the planet's population. Eliminates the morale penalty.
===Robotic Constructors===
===Robotic Constructors===
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==Force Fields Tech Tree==
==Force Fields Tech Tree==
===Shields Class I===
===Shields Class I===
Protects ships from physical and energy attacks. Absorbs up to 15 tons of damage before failing. Regenerates at 0.1% per combat turn. Protection is cumulative with other shields, even if of different class, but shield generators will get weaker with increasing size of the ship they are protecting.
===Particle Emitter Class I===
===Particle Emitter Class I===
A rail gun firing a hyper-velocity projectile. Inflicts 70 tons of damage. Damage is not reduced by range. Has a small chance for critical hits.
===ECM Class I===
===ECM Class I===
Creates a magnetic pulse, jamming both weapon tracking systems and missile guidance units, adding 30% to the ship's missile evasion. Only the best bonus from all installed ECMs will apply.
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==Physics Tech Tree==
==Physics Tech Tree==
===Small Plasma Accelerator===
Highly focused, coherent beams of plasma which deliver 150 tons of damage. Has a very small chance for critical hits.
===Laser Rifle===
A hand-held weapon that increases the combat rating of militia, troops and armour by 10%. The bonus is not cumulative with other rifles.
===Scanner Class I===
Detects enemy ships. Base detection range is 4 Lj. Ships in transit can be detected in a range of 2 Lj.
===Parium Beam===
Projects a tetrium stream of charged particles, inflicting 50 tons of damage. Has a small chance for critical hits.
===Parium Rifle===
A powerful hand-held rifle that increases the combat rating of militia, troops and armour by +20%. The bonus is not cumulative with other rifles.
===Scanner Class II===
Detects enemy ships. Base detection range is 6 Lj. Ships in transit can be detected in a range of 3 Lj.
===Battle Scanner===
Increases a ship's chance to hit with beam weapons by +30%. Adds 2 Lj to the galactic scanning range.
===Large Plasma Accelerator===
===Military Scanner===
===Graviton Wave Class I===
===Gravity Stabilizer===
===Graviton Wave Class II===
===TPPG 5 Rifle===
===Interphase Shields===
===Zarnak Cannon===
===Zarnak Rifle===
===Kessler Web===
===Lodium Cannon===
===Indogil Device===
===Planet Destructor===
==Power Tech Tree==
==Power Tech Tree==
===Hyperdrive Class VI===
Capable of faster than light travel, moving a ship by 7200 Lj/t per hour.
===Trillium Bomb===
A high-yield orbital bombardment device, engineered to destroy ground forces and colony installations.
===Hyperdrive Class VII===
Capable of faster than light travel, moving a ship by 9800 Lj/t per hour.
===Troop Equipment===
Equipment for landing marine units on a planet. Can only be built on planets with a marines barracks.
===Hyperdrive Class VIII===
Capable of faster than light travel, moving a ship by 16200 Lj/t per hour.
===Parium Bomb===
A high-yield orbital bombardment device engineered to destroy ground forces and colony installations.
===CA Evasion===
Increases a ship's maneuverability in combat by +50%.
===Wrap Drive Class I===
Enables Wrap Drive. Wrap flight can be interrupted at any time, and enables faster travel than by Hyperdrive. Maximum Wrap is 8.
===Emergency Hyperdrive===
The Emergency Hyperdrive comes with its own fuel and is able to transport a heavily damaged ship to the nearest populated Star System. It is slow, but 100% reliable. The level when it is activated, can be set at Ship Configuration. Activation destroys the unit, so it has to be replaced.
===Boranium Cannon===
===Energy Booster===
===Wrap Drive Class II===
===Sardanum Torpedo===
===Sardanum Bomb===
===Food Replicators===
===Wrap Drive Class III===
===Extended Focus Device===
===Advanced Energy Capacitors===
===Athene Torpedo===
===Zarnak Torpedo===
===Zarnak Bomb===
==Sociology Tech Tree==
==Sociology Tech Tree==
===Training Centre===
Trains ship crews. Ships stationed in the system gain some experience points each day by simulating combat.
===Planetary Trading Centre===
===Interstellar Trading Centre===

Latest revision as of 21:19, 7 January 2014

Techs Table

Techs with links currently have descriptions. Page under construction.

The topmost techs are the ones you get to do first. You must research one in the highest section in each column before doing the next one down. For example you must have researched Ship Computers before you can do the Research Laboratory

Biology Chemistry Computers Construction Force Fields Physics Power Sociology
25 Dagger Missile
Tirium Armour
Ship Computers Star Base
Army Tower
Small Plasma

Laser Rifle
Scanner Class I
Hyperdrive Class VI
Trillium Bomb
Hyperdrive Class VII
40 Agriculture Plant
Tungeen Processor
Interceptor Torpedo
Structural Booster
Troop Equipment
Hyperdrive Class VIII
75 Research Laboratory
Visual Computer
Moor IFF System
Automated Factories
Missile Base
Advanced Armour
Parium Beam
Parium Rifle
Training Centre
125 Wrap Inductor Class I
Iradium Armour
Shields Class I
Particle Emitter
ECM Class I
Scanner Class II
Battle Scanner
Parium Bomb
CA Evasion
Wrap Drive Class I
200 Retort Centre
Soil Diffusion
BC Bomb Class I
Settlement Base
Space Port
Armour Barracks
Emergency Hyperdrive
325 Wrap Inductor Class II
Mace Missile
Pollution Facility
Robotic Constructors
Battle Station
450 Nanobiotics Kinesthetic Computer
Planetary Net
Holo Deck
Fast Missile Racks
Repair Unit
Shields Class II
Planetary Shields
Hyperfield Dissipator
Large Plasma
Military Scanner
Boranium Cannon
Energy Booster
Wrap Drive Class II
575 Wrap Inductor Class III
Spear Missile
Pollution Processor
Parium Construction
Ground Interceptors
Graviton Wave Class I
Gravity Stabiliser
Planetary Trading
750 Terraforming
Underground Agriculture
Weather Facility
Reprocessing Facility
Advanced Nano-Repair Units
Military Shields
Warehouse Class I
1000 Wrap Inductor Class IV
Nano Disassemblers
Nanolite Construction
Extromid Armour
Robot Plant Particle Emitter Class II
EM Field
Graviton Wave Class II
TPPG 5 Rifle
Interphase Shields
Sardanum Torpedo
Sardanum Bomb
1375 Psionics
Cyber Intelligence
Extro Computer
Weakness Facility
Shields Class III
ECM Class II
Particle Emitter Class III
Food Replicators
Wrap Drive Class III
1750 Deep Mine
Pollution Eliminator
Cloaking Facility
Heavy Shields
Warehouse Class II
Zarnak Cannon
Zarnak Rifle
Kessler Web
Extended Focus Device
Advanced Energy Capacitors
2250 BC Bomb Class II
Genetic Stabilizer
Lance Missile
Festan Armour
Wrap Inductor Class V
Neuronal Computer
Virtual High-Power Net
Shields Class IV
Enhanced Planetary Shields
Lodium Cannon Athene Torpedo
3000 Entertainment Centre
Biogel Computer
Kelara Target Device
Artificial Planet Construction
Star Fortress
Futuronic City
Indogil Device
Interstellar Trading Centre
3750 Biomorphic Fungi Flight Computer Doom Star Construction Fast Shifting Device
Wengorin Device
Interphase Cloak
Warehouse Class III
5000 Wrap Inductor Class VI
Amantit Armour
Zarnak Torpedo
Zarnak Bomb
7500 Advanced Terraforming
Gaia Transformation
Shields Class V
Advanced Planetary Shields
Planet Destructor

Biology Tech Tree

Agriculture Plant

An autonome environment, enhanced by biological organisms, in which food can be grown. It increases the food output of a world by +2 food. Requires Farm Machinery if bought in advance.

Tungeen Processor

Provides better control for environmental conditions, allowing colonization of the more intolerable areas of the planet. Maximum planetary population is increased by +2. Requires Air Processors if bought in advance.

Retort Centre

A special healing process using a variation of genes, increasing the population growth by +0.1 per day as long as the current population is below the planetary maximum.

Soil Diffusion

Using nano-machines, planetary soil can be enriched and strengthened, increasing the food a farmer can produce by +1. Soil Diffusion will not work in barren, irradiated, and toxic planets.

BC Bomb Class I

Genetically engineered viruses that attack organic lifeforms. Introduced by orbital bombardment, each launch has a 10% chance to kill 1 unit of colonists.



Underground Agriculture

Weather Facility


Cyber Intelligence

BC Bomb Class II

Genetic Stabilizer

Biomorphic Fungi

Advanced Terraforming

Gaia Transformation

Chemistry Tech Tree

Dagger Missile

Carries a high yield nuclear warhead that inflicts 1 ton of damage.

Tirium Armour

The standard armour of ships. Only the best bonus from all the installed Armour will apply.

Wrap Inductor Class I

Wrap Inductors are self-contained bio-chemical power stations, which support nearly endless energy flow, and is even able to store energy. Supplies energy for a wrap drive of a ship at 0.02 per hour. Can store a maximum of 1 Energy.

Iradium Armour

Ships with this armour have twice the base structure and armour points. The hit rate is multiplied by 1.5. Adds +10 to ground troops' combat strengths. Only the best bonus from all installed armour will apply.

Wrap Inductor Class II

Mace Missile

Pollution Facility

Wrap Inductor Class IV

Nano Disassemblers

Nanolite Construction

Extromid Armour

Lance Missile

Festan Armour

Wrap Inductor Class V

Wrap Inductor Class VI

Amantit Armour

Computers Tech Tree

Ship Computers

Directs starships weapons' fire and is automatically equipped on all ships, increasing chance to hit by +25%. This bonus is lost if the computer is damaged or destroyed. Only the best bonus from all the installed Computers is applied.

Research Laboratory

The Laboratory houses state-of-the-art computers, creating a superior research environment. Generates 5 research points and and increases the research each researcher produces by +1.

Visual Computer

Directs all starship weapons' fire, adding +50 to the chance to hit. Bonus is lost if the computer is destroyed. Only the best bonus from all installed computers will apply.

Moor IFF System

Provides friend-or-foe recognition guidance to missiles. They will retarget the nearest enemy ship if their target is destroyed.

Kinesthetic Computer

Planetary Net


Extro Computer


Weakness Facility

Neuronal Computer

Virtual High-Power Net

Entertainment Centre

Biogel Computer

Kelara Target Device

Flight Computer

Construction Tech Tree

Star Base

Armed orbital platforms used to service military ships. They are equipped with extensive weaponry, the best available scanner with a +2 scanning range bonus and a shipyard capable of building ships up to 300 tons. The capacity of cloaked hangars at hidden stations is increased to 2. Requires Battle Weapons if bought in advance.

Army Tower

Lets the colony train troops for ground invasion protection. Begins with 4 marine units, then trains about 1 unit every 5 days, up to the planet's current population. Eliminates morale penalties. Requires Hand Weapons if bought in advance.

Interceptor Torpedo

Can only target missiles. They will fire defensively against approaching missiles, if not yet fired in that turn. The chance to score a hit is 50%, plus 10% per moving turn.

Structural Booster

Triples the structural integrity of a ship and provides more protection for the ship's drive systems.

Automated Factories

Helps workers build their products. Generates +5 production and increases the production each worker generates by +1.

Missile Base

Holds 300 tons of your best missiles, with unlimited ammo.

Advanced Armour

Advance armour negates armour-piercing effects and reinforces ships, doubling the amount of damage the armour can absorb. This is an upgrade, and applies to your best installed armour.

Settlement Base

Creates a settlement base on another planet in the same star system as the building base.

Space Port

Site for commercial transactions, increasing the money generation of a colony by +50%.

Armour Barracks

Creates tank battalions. It has 2 units when built, and adds 1 unit every 10 days, with a limit of half the planet's population. Eliminates the morale penalty.

Robotic Constructors

Battle Station

Fast Missile Racks

Repair Unit

Parium Construction

Ground Interceptors


Reprocessing Facility

Advanced Nano-Repair Units

Robot Plant

Deep Mine

Pollution Eliminator

Artificial Planet Construction

Star Fortress

Futuronic City

Doom Star Construction

Force Fields Tech Tree

Shields Class I

Protects ships from physical and energy attacks. Absorbs up to 15 tons of damage before failing. Regenerates at 0.1% per combat turn. Protection is cumulative with other shields, even if of different class, but shield generators will get weaker with increasing size of the ship they are protecting.

Particle Emitter Class I

A rail gun firing a hyper-velocity projectile. Inflicts 70 tons of damage. Damage is not reduced by range. Has a small chance for critical hits.

ECM Class I

Creates a magnetic pulse, jamming both weapon tracking systems and missile guidance units, adding 30% to the ship's missile evasion. Only the best bonus from all installed ECMs will apply.


Shields Class II

Planetary Shields

Hyperfield Dissipator

Military Shields

Warehouse Class I

Particle Emitter Class II

EM Field

Shields Class III

ECM Class II

Particle Emitter Class III

Cloaking Facility

Heavy Shields

Warehouse Class II

Shields Class IV

Enhanced Planetary Shields


Fast Shifting Device

Wengorin Device

Interphase Cloak

Warehouse Class III

Shields Class V

Advanced Planetary Shields

Physics Tech Tree

Small Plasma Accelerator

Highly focused, coherent beams of plasma which deliver 150 tons of damage. Has a very small chance for critical hits.

Laser Rifle

A hand-held weapon that increases the combat rating of militia, troops and armour by 10%. The bonus is not cumulative with other rifles.

Scanner Class I

Detects enemy ships. Base detection range is 4 Lj. Ships in transit can be detected in a range of 2 Lj.

Parium Beam

Projects a tetrium stream of charged particles, inflicting 50 tons of damage. Has a small chance for critical hits.

Parium Rifle

A powerful hand-held rifle that increases the combat rating of militia, troops and armour by +20%. The bonus is not cumulative with other rifles.

Scanner Class II

Detects enemy ships. Base detection range is 6 Lj. Ships in transit can be detected in a range of 3 Lj.

Battle Scanner

Increases a ship's chance to hit with beam weapons by +30%. Adds 2 Lj to the galactic scanning range.

Large Plasma Accelerator

Military Scanner

Graviton Wave Class I

Gravity Stabilizer

Graviton Wave Class II

TPPG 5 Rifle

Interphase Shields

Zarnak Cannon

Zarnak Rifle

Kessler Web

Lodium Cannon


Indogil Device

Planet Destructor

Power Tech Tree

Hyperdrive Class VI

Capable of faster than light travel, moving a ship by 7200 Lj/t per hour.

Trillium Bomb

A high-yield orbital bombardment device, engineered to destroy ground forces and colony installations.

Hyperdrive Class VII

Capable of faster than light travel, moving a ship by 9800 Lj/t per hour.

Troop Equipment

Equipment for landing marine units on a planet. Can only be built on planets with a marines barracks.

Hyperdrive Class VIII

Capable of faster than light travel, moving a ship by 16200 Lj/t per hour.

Parium Bomb

A high-yield orbital bombardment device engineered to destroy ground forces and colony installations.

CA Evasion

Increases a ship's maneuverability in combat by +50%.

Wrap Drive Class I

Enables Wrap Drive. Wrap flight can be interrupted at any time, and enables faster travel than by Hyperdrive. Maximum Wrap is 8.

Emergency Hyperdrive

The Emergency Hyperdrive comes with its own fuel and is able to transport a heavily damaged ship to the nearest populated Star System. It is slow, but 100% reliable. The level when it is activated, can be set at Ship Configuration. Activation destroys the unit, so it has to be replaced.

Boranium Cannon

Energy Booster

Wrap Drive Class II

Sardanum Torpedo

Sardanum Bomb

Food Replicators

Wrap Drive Class III

Extended Focus Device

Advanced Energy Capacitors

Athene Torpedo

Zarnak Torpedo

Zarnak Bomb

Sociology Tech Tree

Training Centre

Trains ship crews. Ships stationed in the system gain some experience points each day by simulating combat.

Planetary Trading Centre


Interstellar Trading Centre