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<small>'''Prototype:''' <code>Object</code></small><br />
<small>'''Subtypes:''' none</small>
The '''mission''' global object is used to run mission screens, and perform other actions related to mission scripting.
== Properties ==
== Properties ==
'''choice''' : String (read/write)
=== <code>displayModel</code> ===
'''displayModel''' : {{oojsclass|Ship}}
If currently running a mission screen with a <code>model</code>, the ship entity used to display the model. This can be animated by setting its position and orientation from a [[Oolite JavaScript Reference: Global#addFrameCallback|frame callback]]. Uses role to identify ship, so be sure to use a unique role if you want a specific ship to be showed.
=== <code>exitScreen</code> ===
'''exitScreen''' : [[Oolite JavaScript Reference: Global#guiScreen|guiScreen]] (read/write)
This can be used to set a new exit screen for the current mission screen. Outside of a callback function, the value of this is meaningless, and setting it has no useful effect.
=== <code>markedSystems</code> ===
'''markedSystems''' : Array (read-only)
An array of the objects currently being used to mark systems. The objects will have the same properties as those used by <code>markSystem</code> and <code>unmarkSystem</code>.
The most recently selected choice from the mission screen. The empty string <code>"None"</code> is used for no choice. '''Important:''' in future versions, <code>null</code> will be used to indicate no choice. A choice can be cleared by setting mission.choice = null. This clearing will trigger the missionChoiceWasReset handler. This property is deprecated since 1.74. The new runScreen method has its own private choice through a callBack function.
=== <code>screenID</code> ===
'''screenID''' : String (read-only)
If there is currently a mission screen running, and it defined a screenID, then that screenID. Otherwise, this is null.
== Methods ==
== Methods ==
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function '''addMessageText'''(message : String)
function '''addMessageText'''(message : String)
Sets the additional text for the mission screen text. Must be called '''''after''''' <code>runScreen</code> and adds code below any existing text.
Appends text to the currently running mission screen. Can also be used to add text to other screens like the system data (F7) screen.
=== <code>addMessageTextKey</code> ===
=== <code>addMessageTextKey</code> ===
function '''addMessageTextKey'''(message : String)
function '''addMessageTextKey'''(messageKey : String)
Sets the dictionary key in [[missiontext.plist]] for the mission screen text. "messageKey" is the key of an entry in missiontext.plist. Must be called '''''after''''' <code>showMissionScreen</code>.
Like <code>[[#addMessageText|addMessageText()]]</code>, but looks up the specified <code>messageKey</code> in [[missiontext.plist]].
=== <code>markSystem</code> ===
=== <code>markSystem</code> ===
function '''markSystem'''(systemNumbers : Number, ...)
function '''markSystem'''(systemNumber : Number)
Mark the listed systems on the long range chart; for example, <code>mission.markSystem(4, 54, 222)</code> will mark system numbers 4, 54, and 222. '''Note:''' eventually this will be deprecated for syntax along the lines of <code>currentGalaxy.systems[4].marked = false;</code>, but this form should continue to work.
Mark a system on the long range chart. Multiple systems may be marked at once, as in <code>mission.markSystem(4, 54, 222)</code>. In 1.76 and earlier a system cannot be marked twice, so:
will leave the system unmarked.
In 1.77 or later, the parameters may be objects instead of numbers. This allows control over the marker's appearance, and allows multiple markers to be placed on the same system. The object takes the following parameters:
* <code>system</code> : The system ID. This is the only required parameter.
* <code>name</code> : A string identifying the group this marker belongs to (which may be the script's name, or something more specific). If omitted, which is not recommended, this defaults to "__oolite_legacy_destinations" which is also used for marking with numbers and marking carried out by legacy scripts.
* <code>markerColor</code> : A string specifying a colour. e.g. "redColor" or "1.0 0.5 0.0". If omitted, "redColor" will be used.
* <code>markerScale</code> : A number between 0.5 and 2.0 specifying the relative size of the marker. Defaults to 1.0.
* <code>markerShape</code> : A string describing the shape of the marker. Valid values are MARKER_X, MARKER_PLUS, MARKER_SQUARE and MARKER_DIAMOND. If this value is invalid or omitted, MARKER_X will be used.
Multiple markers may be placed on the same system, provided that they have different names. If a marker with the same system and name already exists, it will be replaced.
system: 55,
name: "my_oxp",
markerColor: "cyanColor",
markerScale: 1.5,
markerShape: "MARKER_DIAMOND"
'''See also:''' <code>[[#unmarkSystem|unmarkSystem()]]</code>
=== <code>runShipLibrary</code> ===
function '''runShipLibrary()'''
Display the ship library based on [[shiplibrary.plist]], including processing of condition scripts.
This is mainly useful for scenarios which override the standard scripts.
=== <code>runScreen</code> ===
=== <code>runScreen</code> ===
function '''runScreen(parameters : Object [, callback : Function [, this : Object]])'''
'''runScreen(params: dict, callBack:function)'''
Present a mission screen.
This method replaces any previous ways of defining missionscreens. The individually parts of a missionscreen can be added by adding different keys to the directory.<br>
'''title''': String (pure text)<br>
'''titleKey''': String (Key in missiontext.plist)<br>
'''music''': String (filename of a music file)<br>
'''overlay''': String (filename of a picture used as overlay)<br>
'''background''': String (filename of a picture used as background)<br>
'''model''': String (Role of a ship that will be shown as rotating ship)<br>
'''message''': String (pure text)<br>
'''messageKey''': String (Key in missiontext.plist)<br>
'''choicesKey''': string (Key in missiontext.plist)<br>
Some keys exclude each other, like a foreground and background picture. When both are defined, only one is used.
The appearance of the mission screen is defined by the properties of the <code>parameters</code> object. The currently defined properties are:
* <code>title : String</code>
* <code>titleKey : String</code> (Key in [[missiontext.plist]])
* <code>music : String</code> (name of a music file)
* <code>overlay : ''guiTextureSpecifier''</code> (name of an image used as overlay)
* <code>background : ''guiTextureSpecifier''</code> (name of a picture used as background)
* <code>backgroundSpecial: String</code> ({{oolite-prop-added|1.77}}, special background layer)
* <code>model : String</code> (Role of a ship that will be shown as rotating ship)
* <code>modelPersonality : Int</code> ({{oolite-prop-added|1.77}}, the entityPersonality assigned to the <code>model</code>. If unspecified, or in 1.76 or earlier, a random personality is used)
* <code>message : String</code>
* <code>messageKey : String</code> (Key in [[missiontext.plist]])
* <code>spinModel: Boolean</code> (If <code>false</code>, the model is shown from the top with no automatic animation.)
* <code>choices: Object</code> ({{oolite-prop-added|1.77}}, Object describing [[Oolite_JavaScript_Reference:_Mission#Advanced_choices_.281.77_or_later_only.29|advanced choices]])
* <code>choicesKey : String</code> (Key in [[missiontext.plist]])
* <code>initialChoicesKey : String</code> ({{oolite-prop-added|1.77}}, the key from <code>choicesKey</code> which is initially selected)
* <code>allowInterrupt : Boolean</code> ({{oolite-prop-added|1.77}}. If <code>true</code> (default: false), the mission screen can be interrupted with function keys, which does not call the callback function. Mainly intended for interfaces.)
* <code>exitScreen : ''guiScreen''</code> ({{oolite-prop-added|1.77}}, a GUI screen to exit on. If omitted, an invalid value is given, or the player is not docked, this will revert to "GUI_SCREEN_STATUS". Not all GUI screens are selectable for this: only those reachable with function keys F3 to F8)
* <code>screenID : String</code> ({{oolite-prop-added|1.77}}, an optional string which can be read later from <code>[[#screenID|mission.screenID]]</code>)
* <code>textEntry : Boolean</code> ({{oolite-prop-added|1.79}}, if it's true, then you get the text prompt and 'choices' and 'choicesKey' are ignored. Whatever's typed there gets passed as the parameter to the callback function. The [https://github.com/OoliteProject/oolite/blob/master/Resources/Scripts/oolite-registership.js ship registry code] has a simple example.)
* <code>customChartZoom : decimal</code> ({{oolite-prop-added|1.87}}, zoom level of the 'CUSTOM_CHART' backgroundSpecial map)
* <code>customChartCentre: Vector3D</code> ({{oolite-prop-added|1.87}}, centre position of the 'CUSTOM_CHART' backgroundSpecial map, using the internal coordinate system. The z component is always zero. Discouraged in favour of customChartCentreInLY)
* <code>customChartCentreLY: Vector3D</code> ({{oolite-prop-added|1.87}}, centre position of the 'CUSTOM_CHART' backgroundSpecial map, in LY. e.g. for Lave: (8, 34.6, 0). The z component is always zero.)
Some of these are mutually exclusive; for instance, “title” overrides “titleKey”. See [[Oolite JavaScript Reference: Global#setScreenBackground|setScreenBackground()]] for a discussion of ''guiTextureSpecifier''.
The callback function is a self defined function that called when the player makes a choice. Every runScreen can have its own callback function or you can use one single for all your callbacks
There are 21 lines available for display of the message and choices combined. (In 1.77, this is extended to 27 lines if the player's HUD is hidden)
==== runScreen callbacks ====
// Show the mission screen
The callback function is a function that is called when the player makes a choice. Every runScreen can have its own specific callback function, or you can design a single function to handle multiple mission screens instead. The optional <code>this</code> parameter will be used as the <code>this</code> property of the mission screen callback. It is usually unnecessary to specify this, but if you intend the function which calls runScreen to be called from a different script, and the callback references <code>this</code>, you will need to use it.
mission.runScreen({titleKey:"oolite_trumble_title", messageKey:"oolite_trumble_offer", background:"trumblebox.png", choicesKey:"oolite_trumble_offer_yesno"}, this.trumbleOffered);
A simple mission screen:
title: "My first mission screen",
message: "This am a mission screen wot is good",
choicesKey: "me_firstmission_choices"
function (choice)
if (choice === "1_YES") player.commsMessage("Yay!");
else if (choice === "2_NO") player.commsMessage("Boo.");
else player.commsMessage("Whut?");
In [[missiontext.plist]], you’ll need the following. The numbers are used because choices are sorted by key.
"me_firstmission_choices" =
"1_YES" = "Yes.";
"2_NO" = "No.";
"3_MAYBE" = "Maybe.";
The call does not have to be laid out as above. The parameters object can be manipulated in any way you want beforehand, and the callback function can be written out of line. For example, the following is equivalent:
var parameters = new Object();
parameters.title = "My first mission screen";
parameters.message = "This am";
parameters.choicesKey = "me_firstmission_choices";
parameters.message += " a mission screen wot is good";
function callback(choice)
if (choice === "1_YES") player.commsMessage("Yay!");
else if (choice === "2_NO") player.commsMessage("Boo.");
else player.commsMessage("Whut?");
this.trumbleOffered = function(choice)
mission.runScreen(parameters, callback);
This form is more complicated, and the ordering is less intuitive. However, it does allow you to make complex decisions about the parameters in code, and writing the callback out of line can be preferable if it’s long. It is recommended that you start out with the first approach, but keep in mind that there are other options if it becomes too limiting.
In 1.77, if <code>allowInterrupt</code> is set to true, it is possible that the callback function will not be called. It should therefore only be set for mission screens which can safely be interrupted without the callback. Regardless of this setting, all mission screens may be interrupted by the player launching from the station, and this possibility should be considered (in such case callback function will be called with <code>null</code> argument).
==== runScreen special backgrounds (1.77 or later only) ====
In 1.77 or later, 'backgroundSpecial' may be given the following special string values:
* <code>SHORT_RANGE_CHART</code>: Uses the short range chart (as if the player had pressed F6). The first 18 lines of the mission text will overlap the chart if used.
* <code>LONG_RANGE_CHART</code>: Uses the current long range chart (as if the player had pressed F6 twice). The first 16 lines of the mission text will overlap the chart if used.
* <code>LONG_RANGE_CHART_SHORTEST</code>: As LONG_RANGE_CHART, but if the player has a working [[Advanced Navigational Array]] then the shortest (fewest jumps, not necessarily shortest distance) route to their current destination system will be displayed.
* <code>LONG_RANGE_CHART_QUICKEST</code>: As LONG_RANGE_CHART, but if the player has a working [[Advanced Navigational Array]] then the quickest route to their current destination system will be displayed.
In 1.87 or later, 'backgroundSpecial' has these additional special string values:
* <code>SHORT_RANGE_CHART_SHORTEST</code>: As SHORT_RANGE_CHART, but if the player has a working [[Advanced Navigational Array]] then the shortest (fewest jumps, not necessarily shortest distance) route to their current destination system will be displayed.
* <code>SHORT_RANGE_CHART_QUICKEST</code>: As SHORT_RANGE_CHART, but if the player has a working [[Advanced Navigational Array]] then the quickest route to their current destination system will be displayed.
* <code>CUSTOM_CHART</code>: Displays a chart where zoom and centre position can be customised using the 'customChartZoom' and 'customChartCentreInLY' properties. The first 18 lines of the mission text will overlap the chart if used.
* <code>CUSTOM_CHART_SHORTEST</code>: As CUSTOM_CHART, but if the player has a working [[Advanced Navigational Array]] then the shortest (fewest jumps, not necessarily shortest distance) route to their current destination system will be displayed.
* <code>CUSTOM_CHART_QUICKEST</code>: As CUSTOM_CHART, but if the player has a working [[Advanced Navigational Array]] then the quickest route to their current destination system will be displayed.
With all special chart backgrounds, changes made to destination system, or to markers, will be updated immediately.<br/>
These backgrounds will be displayed above the '<code>background</code>' (if any) but below everything else.
==== Advanced choices (1.77 or later only) ====
In 1.77 or later, choices may be set either with the 'choicesKey' parameter from missiontext.plist as before, or with the 'choices' parameter. (If both are set, 'choicesKey' will be ignored)
var options = {
"01_AGREE" : "Take the job",
"02_DECLINE" : "Politely decline"
if (player.bounty == 0) // only clean players have this option
if (choice == "OOLITE_TRUMBLE_YES")
options["03_REPORT"] = "Call the police";
missionVariables.trumbles = "TRUMBLE_BOUGHT";
player.credits -= 30;
missionVariables.trumbles = "NOT_NOW";
// title, message, etc.
choices: options
},function(choice) {
// choice handling
=== <code>setInstructionsKey</code> ===
This is useful where the options available (perhaps depending on the player's ship or equipment, or on previous events in the mission) may vary in a complex fashion, to avoid the need to have a separate missiontext.plist entry for every possibility.
function '''setInstructionsKey(descriptionKey : String, [worldScript : String])'''
Sets the dictionary key of the text to put on the manifest screen (usually short instructions for current missions. F5-F5).<br>
The value (either in <code>choicesKey</code>'s missiontext entry or <code>choices</code>) may either be a text string as in previous versions, or an object itself. If it is an object, it can take three parameters:
When not called from within the worldScript, the worldScript script name has to be specified additionally so Oolite knows to which worldScript the instruction belongs.
* 'text' is the displayed text for this key.
* 'alignment' can be 'LEFT', 'RIGHT' or 'CENTER' (the default).
* 'unselectable' can be <code>true</code> or <code>false</code> (the default for non-blank text). Unselectable rows are printed, but are skipped when moving through the options. This can be useful for keeping a consistent interface.
* 'color' can be any color specification (e.g. "orangeColor"). The default is "yellowColor", or "darkGrayColor" for unselectable rows.
For example (missiontext.plist):
"my_choice_1" = {
"01_AGREE" = {
text = "Take the job";
alignment = "LEFT";
color = "greenColor";
// more options
=== <code>unmarkSystem</code> ===
In 1.77, the behaviour for choices which have no text is slightly changed. These will now leave a blank and unselectable line in the option list.
function '''unmarkSystem'''(systemNumbers : Number, ...)
Remove the marks from the listed systems on the long range chart; for example, <code>mission.unmarkSystem(4, 54)</code> will unmark system numbers 4, and 54.
==== Safe usage of runScreen ====
One warning: <code>runScreen()</code> will overwrite any existing missionscreen or GUI screen. The only safe place is using it inside a <code>missionScreenOpportunity</code> handler or the callback function from a previous mission screen (or in 1.77 onwards, inside an interface callback function), because that handler only fires when it is allowed to show such a screen. When using the command at other places, first make sure with <code>guiScreen != "GUI_SCREEN_MISSION"</code> that there is currently no missionscreen on display by another oxp.
=== <code>deprecated methods</code> ===
==== Known issues ====
The methods below were in use up to Oolite 1.73 and will be replaced in future<br>
From Oolite 1.79, only the A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and (space) characters may be reliably entered in the 'textEntry' field. A wider selection, for boring internal reasons, is available on the Mac, and is hoped to also be available on other platforms in later releases.
function '''setBackgroundImage'''(backgroundImage : String)
=== <code>setInstructions</code> ===
function '''setInstructions(instructions : String, [worldScriptName : String])'''
Specifies a background image to be shown at the mission screen. "backgroundImage" is the filename of a picture in the "Images" folder. Must be called '''''before''''' <code>showMissionScreen</code>.
Specify a message to put on the Manifest screen (usually short instructions for current mission), under the title “Missions”.
function '''setChoicesKey'''(choicesKey : String)
When not called from within a world script, the name of a world script must be specified so that Oolite knows which script the message belongs to. Clear the message by calling <code>setInstructions(null)</code>.
Specifies the choices to be shown at the mission screen. "choicesKey" is the key of an entry in missiontext.plist. Must be called '''''after''''' <code>showMissionScreen</code>.
It is recommended that <code>setInstructions()</code> is used only when you need to customise the text for a specific scenario. For static text, use <code>[[#setInstructionsKey|setInstructionsKey()]]</code> instead.
function '''setMusic'''(musicKey : String)
In Oolite 1.81 onwards, the following variant is available
Specifies a music file to be played at the mission screen. "musicKey" is the filename of a music file in the "Music" folder. Must be called '''''before''''' <code>showMissionScreen</code>.
function '''setInstructions(instructions : Array, [worldScriptName : String])'''
function '''showMissionScreen'''()
If this version is used, the first array element will be a heading on the Manifest screen, and the remaining elements will be entered underneath it, rather than being entered under the "Missions" heading.
'''Example''': <code>mission.setInstructions(["Ship Companion:",expandMissionText("myoxp_currentpet"),...]);</code> will display Ship Companion: in yellow text on the F5F5 screen, and beneath it will show the [[String expansion|expanded]] value of the key "myoxp_currentpet" from the [[missiontext.plist]] associated with the calling world script. If not called from a world script, the worldScriptName (this.name from the script) must be provided also: <code>mission.setInstructions(["Ship Companion:",expandMissionText("myoxp_currentpet"),...], "myoxp's script name");</code>
Note that the line or lines to be added must be enclosed in square brackets, comma separated. Also note the optional use of expandMissionText to retrieve text from [[missiontext.plist]]. It is also possible to construct the array before calling setInstructions, for example:<pre>
if(myoxp_petslist.length == 0) {
mission.setInstructions(null); // clear any text previously displayed by this world script on the F5F5 screen
} else {
var textArray = [];
textArray.push("Ship Companion" + (myoxp_petslist.length > 1 ? "s:" : ":")); // "Ship Companion:" or "Ship Companions:" if more than one
var i = myoxp_petslist.length - 1; // pointer to last entry in myoxp_petslist
while(i--) { // for each pet in the list, starting from the bottom (probably newest to oldest)
textArray.push(myoxp_petslist[i].name); // add the name of the pet to the text we will show on the F5F5 screen
mission.setInstructions(textArray); // our pets list will now be visible on the F5F5 screen until further notice (the next time we call setInstructions or one of its variants, it will replace this)
'''See also:''' <code>[[#setInstructionsKey|setInstructionsKey()]]</code>
=== <code>setInstructionsKey</code> ===
function '''setInstructionsKey(messageKey : String, [worldScript : String])'''
Like <code>[[#setInstructions|setInstructions()]]</code>, but looks up the specified <code>messageKey</code> in [[missiontext.plist]].
'''See also:''' <code>[[#setInstructions|setInstructions()]]</code>
=== <code>unmarkSystem</code> ===
function '''unmarkSystem'''(systemNumbers : Number)
Shows the mission screen. Due to implementation details <code>musicKey</code>, <code>backgroundImage</code> and <code>shipKey</code> must be set '''''before''''' this method is called, but <code>messageKey</code> and <code>choicesKey</code> must be set '''''after''''' this method is called.
Remove a mark set with <code>[[#markSystem|markSystem()]]</code>. Multiple systems may be unmarked at once, as in <code>mission.unmarkSystem(4, 54, 222)</code>.
function '''showShipModel'''(shipKey : String)
In 1.76 and earlier versions, any script can unmark a system, regardless of which script marked it or how many times it was previously marked.
Specifies a ship model to be displayed on the mission screen. "shipKey" is the role of a ship in shipData.plist. Must be called '''''before''''' <code>showMissionScreen</code>. (Open issue: why is this a method rather than a write-only property? --[[User:Ahruman|ahruman]])
In 1.77, each marker has a name, and if a system has multiple markers each marker must be removed separately. Parameters in 1.77 may be numbers or objects. Numbers remove the "__oolite_legacy_destinations" markers. Objects are the same format as in <code>markSystem</code> and remove the marker of the corresponding name (the marker style options are ignored when unmarking). In 1.77, this function will return true if all requested markers existed and were removed, or false if any of the requested markers did not exist.
function '''runMissionScreen'''(messageKey : String, backgroundImage : String, choiceKey : String, shipKey : String, musicKey : String)
'''See also:''' <code>[[#markSystem|markSystem()]]</code>
This is the recommended way to set up a missionscreen. It does all the setup or clearing of the Key's. Strictly spoken it is not a method but a JS routine that calls the appropriate methods in the right order. After setting up and showing the missionscreen it clears the keys.
e.g. <code>mission.runMissionScreen("myMessage", null, "myChoices")</code> will display a missionscreen with "myMessage" and wil give the choices of "myChoices". Any previous defined background image as well as rotating ships and music, is cleared.
[[Category:Oolite scripting]]
[[Category:Oolite JavaScript Reference]]

Latest revision as of 20:24, 29 June 2020

Prototype: Object
Subtypes: none

The mission global object is used to run mission screens, and perform other actions related to mission scripting.



displayModel : Ship

If currently running a mission screen with a model, the ship entity used to display the model. This can be animated by setting its position and orientation from a frame callback. Uses role to identify ship, so be sure to use a unique role if you want a specific ship to be showed.


This property was added in Oolite test release 1.77.

exitScreen : guiScreen (read/write)

This can be used to set a new exit screen for the current mission screen. Outside of a callback function, the value of this is meaningless, and setting it has no useful effect.


This property was added in Oolite test release 1.77.

markedSystems : Array (read-only)

An array of the objects currently being used to mark systems. The objects will have the same properties as those used by markSystem and unmarkSystem.


This property was added in Oolite test release 1.77.

screenID : String (read-only)

If there is currently a mission screen running, and it defined a screenID, then that screenID. Otherwise, this is null.



function addMessageText(message : String)

Appends text to the currently running mission screen. Can also be used to add text to other screens like the system data (F7) screen.


function addMessageTextKey(messageKey : String)

Like addMessageText(), but looks up the specified messageKey in missiontext.plist.


function markSystem(systemNumber : Number)

Mark a system on the long range chart. Multiple systems may be marked at once, as in mission.markSystem(4, 54, 222). In 1.76 and earlier a system cannot be marked twice, so:


will leave the system unmarked.

In 1.77 or later, the parameters may be objects instead of numbers. This allows control over the marker's appearance, and allows multiple markers to be placed on the same system. The object takes the following parameters:

  • system : The system ID. This is the only required parameter.
  • name : A string identifying the group this marker belongs to (which may be the script's name, or something more specific). If omitted, which is not recommended, this defaults to "__oolite_legacy_destinations" which is also used for marking with numbers and marking carried out by legacy scripts.
  • markerColor : A string specifying a colour. e.g. "redColor" or "1.0 0.5 0.0". If omitted, "redColor" will be used.
  • markerScale : A number between 0.5 and 2.0 specifying the relative size of the marker. Defaults to 1.0.
  • markerShape : A string describing the shape of the marker. Valid values are MARKER_X, MARKER_PLUS, MARKER_SQUARE and MARKER_DIAMOND. If this value is invalid or omitted, MARKER_X will be used.

Multiple markers may be placed on the same system, provided that they have different names. If a marker with the same system and name already exists, it will be replaced.

   system: 55,
   name: "my_oxp",
   markerColor: "cyanColor",
   markerScale: 1.5,
   markerShape: "MARKER_DIAMOND"

See also: unmarkSystem()


This method was added in Oolite test release 1.81.

function runShipLibrary()

Display the ship library based on shiplibrary.plist, including processing of condition scripts.

This is mainly useful for scenarios which override the standard scripts.


function runScreen(parameters : Object [, callback : Function [, this : Object]]) 

Present a mission screen.

The appearance of the mission screen is defined by the properties of the parameters object. The currently defined properties are:

  • title : String
  • titleKey : String (Key in missiontext.plist)
  • music : String (name of a music file)
  • overlay : guiTextureSpecifier (name of an image used as overlay)
  • background : guiTextureSpecifier (name of a picture used as background)
  • backgroundSpecial: String (This property was added in Oolite test release 1.77., special background layer)
  • model : String (Role of a ship that will be shown as rotating ship)
  • modelPersonality : Int (This property was added in Oolite test release 1.77., the entityPersonality assigned to the model. If unspecified, or in 1.76 or earlier, a random personality is used)
  • message : String
  • messageKey : String (Key in missiontext.plist)
  • spinModel: Boolean (If false, the model is shown from the top with no automatic animation.)
  • choices: Object (This property was added in Oolite test release 1.77., Object describing advanced choices)
  • choicesKey : String (Key in missiontext.plist)
  • initialChoicesKey : String (This property was added in Oolite test release 1.77., the key from choicesKey which is initially selected)
  • allowInterrupt : Boolean (This property was added in Oolite test release 1.77.. If true (default: false), the mission screen can be interrupted with function keys, which does not call the callback function. Mainly intended for interfaces.)
  • exitScreen : guiScreen (This property was added in Oolite test release 1.77., a GUI screen to exit on. If omitted, an invalid value is given, or the player is not docked, this will revert to "GUI_SCREEN_STATUS". Not all GUI screens are selectable for this: only those reachable with function keys F3 to F8)
  • screenID : String (This property was added in Oolite test release 1.77., an optional string which can be read later from mission.screenID)
  • textEntry : Boolean (This property was added in Oolite test release 1.79., if it's true, then you get the text prompt and 'choices' and 'choicesKey' are ignored. Whatever's typed there gets passed as the parameter to the callback function. The ship registry code has a simple example.)
  • customChartZoom : decimal (This property was added in Oolite test release 1.87., zoom level of the 'CUSTOM_CHART' backgroundSpecial map)
  • customChartCentre: Vector3D (This property was added in Oolite test release 1.87., centre position of the 'CUSTOM_CHART' backgroundSpecial map, using the internal coordinate system. The z component is always zero. Discouraged in favour of customChartCentreInLY)
  • customChartCentreLY: Vector3D (This property was added in Oolite test release 1.87., centre position of the 'CUSTOM_CHART' backgroundSpecial map, in LY. e.g. for Lave: (8, 34.6, 0). The z component is always zero.)

Some of these are mutually exclusive; for instance, “title” overrides “titleKey”. See setScreenBackground() for a discussion of guiTextureSpecifier.

There are 21 lines available for display of the message and choices combined. (In 1.77, this is extended to 27 lines if the player's HUD is hidden)

runScreen callbacks

The callback function is a function that is called when the player makes a choice. Every runScreen can have its own specific callback function, or you can design a single function to handle multiple mission screens instead. The optional this parameter will be used as the this property of the mission screen callback. It is usually unnecessary to specify this, but if you intend the function which calls runScreen to be called from a different script, and the callback references this, you will need to use it.

A simple mission screen:

    title: "My first mission screen",
    message: "This am a mission screen wot is good",
    choicesKey: "me_firstmission_choices"
function (choice)
    if (choice === "1_YES")  player.commsMessage("Yay!");
    else if (choice === "2_NO")  player.commsMessage("Boo.");
    else  player.commsMessage("Whut?");

In missiontext.plist, you’ll need the following. The numbers are used because choices are sorted by key.

    "me_firstmission_choices" =
        "1_YES" = "Yes.";
        "2_NO" = "No.";
        "3_MAYBE" = "Maybe.";

The call does not have to be laid out as above. The parameters object can be manipulated in any way you want beforehand, and the callback function can be written out of line. For example, the following is equivalent:

var parameters = new Object();
parameters.title = "My first mission screen";
parameters.message = "This am";
parameters.choicesKey = "me_firstmission_choices";
parameters.message += " a mission screen wot is good";

function callback(choice)
    if (choice === "1_YES")  player.commsMessage("Yay!");
    else if (choice === "2_NO")  player.commsMessage("Boo.");
    else  player.commsMessage("Whut?");

mission.runScreen(parameters, callback);

This form is more complicated, and the ordering is less intuitive. However, it does allow you to make complex decisions about the parameters in code, and writing the callback out of line can be preferable if it’s long. It is recommended that you start out with the first approach, but keep in mind that there are other options if it becomes too limiting.

In 1.77, if allowInterrupt is set to true, it is possible that the callback function will not be called. It should therefore only be set for mission screens which can safely be interrupted without the callback. Regardless of this setting, all mission screens may be interrupted by the player launching from the station, and this possibility should be considered (in such case callback function will be called with null argument).

runScreen special backgrounds (1.77 or later only)

In 1.77 or later, 'backgroundSpecial' may be given the following special string values:

  • SHORT_RANGE_CHART: Uses the short range chart (as if the player had pressed F6). The first 18 lines of the mission text will overlap the chart if used.
  • LONG_RANGE_CHART: Uses the current long range chart (as if the player had pressed F6 twice). The first 16 lines of the mission text will overlap the chart if used.
  • LONG_RANGE_CHART_SHORTEST: As LONG_RANGE_CHART, but if the player has a working Advanced Navigational Array then the shortest (fewest jumps, not necessarily shortest distance) route to their current destination system will be displayed.
  • LONG_RANGE_CHART_QUICKEST: As LONG_RANGE_CHART, but if the player has a working Advanced Navigational Array then the quickest route to their current destination system will be displayed.

In 1.87 or later, 'backgroundSpecial' has these additional special string values:

  • SHORT_RANGE_CHART_SHORTEST: As SHORT_RANGE_CHART, but if the player has a working Advanced Navigational Array then the shortest (fewest jumps, not necessarily shortest distance) route to their current destination system will be displayed.
  • SHORT_RANGE_CHART_QUICKEST: As SHORT_RANGE_CHART, but if the player has a working Advanced Navigational Array then the quickest route to their current destination system will be displayed.
  • CUSTOM_CHART: Displays a chart where zoom and centre position can be customised using the 'customChartZoom' and 'customChartCentreInLY' properties. The first 18 lines of the mission text will overlap the chart if used.
  • CUSTOM_CHART_SHORTEST: As CUSTOM_CHART, but if the player has a working Advanced Navigational Array then the shortest (fewest jumps, not necessarily shortest distance) route to their current destination system will be displayed.
  • CUSTOM_CHART_QUICKEST: As CUSTOM_CHART, but if the player has a working Advanced Navigational Array then the quickest route to their current destination system will be displayed.

With all special chart backgrounds, changes made to destination system, or to markers, will be updated immediately.
These backgrounds will be displayed above the 'background' (if any) but below everything else.

Advanced choices (1.77 or later only)

In 1.77 or later, choices may be set either with the 'choicesKey' parameter from missiontext.plist as before, or with the 'choices' parameter. (If both are set, 'choicesKey' will be ignored) Example

var options = {
   "01_AGREE" : "Take the job",
   "02_DECLINE" : "Politely decline"
if (player.bounty == 0) // only clean players have this option
   options["03_REPORT"] = "Call the police";

   // title, message, etc.
   choices: options
},function(choice) {
   // choice handling

This is useful where the options available (perhaps depending on the player's ship or equipment, or on previous events in the mission) may vary in a complex fashion, to avoid the need to have a separate missiontext.plist entry for every possibility.

The value (either in choicesKey's missiontext entry or choices) may either be a text string as in previous versions, or an object itself. If it is an object, it can take three parameters:

  • 'text' is the displayed text for this key.
  • 'alignment' can be 'LEFT', 'RIGHT' or 'CENTER' (the default).
  • 'unselectable' can be true or false (the default for non-blank text). Unselectable rows are printed, but are skipped when moving through the options. This can be useful for keeping a consistent interface.
  • 'color' can be any color specification (e.g. "orangeColor"). The default is "yellowColor", or "darkGrayColor" for unselectable rows.

For example (missiontext.plist):

"my_choice_1" = {
   "01_AGREE" = {
      text = "Take the job";
      alignment = "LEFT";
      color = "greenColor";
   // more options

In 1.77, the behaviour for choices which have no text is slightly changed. These will now leave a blank and unselectable line in the option list.

Safe usage of runScreen

One warning: runScreen() will overwrite any existing missionscreen or GUI screen. The only safe place is using it inside a missionScreenOpportunity handler or the callback function from a previous mission screen (or in 1.77 onwards, inside an interface callback function), because that handler only fires when it is allowed to show such a screen. When using the command at other places, first make sure with guiScreen != "GUI_SCREEN_MISSION" that there is currently no missionscreen on display by another oxp.

Known issues

From Oolite 1.79, only the A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and (space) characters may be reliably entered in the 'textEntry' field. A wider selection, for boring internal reasons, is available on the Mac, and is hoped to also be available on other platforms in later releases.


function setInstructions(instructions : String, [worldScriptName : String])

Specify a message to put on the Manifest screen (usually short instructions for current mission), under the title “Missions”.

When not called from within a world script, the name of a world script must be specified so that Oolite knows which script the message belongs to. Clear the message by calling setInstructions(null).

It is recommended that setInstructions() is used only when you need to customise the text for a specific scenario. For static text, use setInstructionsKey() instead.

In Oolite 1.81 onwards, the following variant is available

This method was added in Oolite test release 1.81.

function setInstructions(instructions : Array, [worldScriptName : String])

If this version is used, the first array element will be a heading on the Manifest screen, and the remaining elements will be entered underneath it, rather than being entered under the "Missions" heading.

Example: mission.setInstructions(["Ship Companion:",expandMissionText("myoxp_currentpet"),...]); will display Ship Companion: in yellow text on the F5F5 screen, and beneath it will show the expanded value of the key "myoxp_currentpet" from the missiontext.plist associated with the calling world script. If not called from a world script, the worldScriptName (this.name from the script) must be provided also: mission.setInstructions(["Ship Companion:",expandMissionText("myoxp_currentpet"),...], "myoxp's script name");

Note that the line or lines to be added must be enclosed in square brackets, comma separated. Also note the optional use of expandMissionText to retrieve text from missiontext.plist. It is also possible to construct the array before calling setInstructions, for example:

if(myoxp_petslist.length == 0) {
  mission.setInstructions(null); // clear any text previously displayed by this world script on the F5F5 screen
} else {
  var textArray = [];
  textArray.push("Ship Companion" + (myoxp_petslist.length > 1 ? "s:" : ":")); // "Ship Companion:" or "Ship Companions:" if more than one
  var i = myoxp_petslist.length - 1; // pointer to last entry in myoxp_petslist
  while(i--) { // for each pet in the list, starting from the bottom (probably newest to oldest)
    textArray.push(myoxp_petslist[i].name); // add the name of the pet to the text we will show on the F5F5 screen
  mission.setInstructions(textArray); // our pets list will now be visible on the F5F5 screen until further notice (the next time we call setInstructions or one of its variants, it will replace this)

See also: setInstructionsKey()


function setInstructionsKey(messageKey : String, [worldScript : String])

Like setInstructions(), but looks up the specified messageKey in missiontext.plist.

See also: setInstructions()


function unmarkSystem(systemNumbers : Number)

Remove a mark set with markSystem(). Multiple systems may be unmarked at once, as in mission.unmarkSystem(4, 54, 222).

In 1.76 and earlier versions, any script can unmark a system, regardless of which script marked it or how many times it was previously marked.

In 1.77, each marker has a name, and if a system has multiple markers each marker must be removed separately. Parameters in 1.77 may be numbers or objects. Numbers remove the "__oolite_legacy_destinations" markers. Objects are the same format as in markSystem and remove the marker of the corresponding name (the marker style options are ignored when unmarking). In 1.77, this function will return true if all requested markers existed and were removed, or false if any of the requested markers did not exist.

See also: markSystem()