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'''planetinfo.plist''' in 'AddOns/Config' contains a dictionary for each of systems for which you wish to set custom data. A list of all galaxies and planets can be found [[Oolite planet list|here]].
'''planetinfo.[[plist]]''' in 'AddOns/Config' contains a dictionary for each of systems for which you wish to set custom data. A list of all galaxies and planets can be found [[Oolite planet list|here]]. Each of the properties mentioned below can be set (but, notably, not the location of the main planet, which is hard coded into the system seed value):
=Universal settings=
=Where Settings Apply=
==Universal Settings==
Some options can be applied to the entire universe, such as ambient lighting levels, eg.
Some options can be applied to the entire universe, such as ambient lighting levels, eg.
"universal" =
Universal options can be overriden by specifying the same option for a specific system or location in interstellar space. Obviously, not all options make sense to apply to the whole universe.
Universal options can be over-ridden by specifying the same option for a specific system or location in interstellar space. Obviously, not all options make sense to apply to the whole universe.
=System settings=
==Interstellar Space==
Conditions for interstellar space in general can be set with the “interstellar space” key.
==Specific Systems==
Each system is keyed by a string consisting of the galaxy number (0..7) followed by a space and then the planet number (0..255), eg.
Each system is keyed by a string consisting of the galaxy number (0..7) followed by a space and then the planet number (0..255), eg.
'''<key>0 7</key>'''
"0 7" =
specifies system 7, in galaxy 0, ''Lave''.
specifies system 7, in galaxy 0, ''Lave''.
=Interstellar settings=
==Specific Interstellar Spaces==
You can also specify a position in interstellar space, eg.
You can also specify a position in interstellar space, eg.
'''<key>interstellar: 0 7 129</key>'''
"interstellar: 0 7 129" =
specifies the space in galaxy 0 between systems 7 and 129, ''Lave'' and ''Zaonce''.
specifies the space in galaxy 0 between systems 7 and 129, ''Lave'' and ''Zaonce''.
Conditions for interstellar space in general can be set with the “interstellar space” key (Oolite 1.69 and earlier, ignored in earlier versions).
In 1.81 the property "link_color" when set on a specific interstellar space changes the colour of the link between the two systems in the advanced navigation array (assuming no route is in place above it).
Each of the following properties can be set (but, notably, not the location of the main planet, which is hard coded into the system seed value):
Note that
"interstellar: 0 7 129" = // jumping from Lave towards Zaonce
"interstellar: 0 129 7" = // jumping from Zaonce towards Lave
are distinct locations and if they both need the same properties this must be explicitly set for both. When setting link_color, the lower system ID must be placed first, because of how the chart is drawn.
Settings other than "universal" in Oolite 1.81 or later have a 'layer' property from 0 to 3. The default value for planetinfo.plist files is 1. If multiple OXPs specify a setting for a particular property, the order they will be checked in is:
* Layer 3 settings
* Layer 2 settings (default for Javascript changes to data)
* Layer 1 settings (default for planetinfo.plist)
* Universal settings
* Layer 0 settings (value for core game settings)
This allows OXPs to safely override each other's changes if necessary, and for OXPs which really need a specific setting in a particular system to set it at layer 3
"layer" = 2;
==Terraforming Example==
For the planet Lave, you would use the key '0 7' (planet 7 in galaxy 0) Then you set the values. The following example sets Lave's sea to blue, land to green, and land to sea ratio to 75%.
"0 7" =
"percent_land" = "75";
"land_color" = "0.5 1.0 0.5";
"sea_color" = "0.3 0.7 1.0";
Then you can override any of the settings listed above, for example to change Zaatxe's (Galaxy 0 Planet 8) inhabitants into blue frogs you'd enter
"0 8" =
"inhabitants" = "Blue Frogs";
You can use any or all of the keys in each of the entries. It's probably best to only use the key's you want to change. So, another example, to change the sky_blur_xxx settings for Zaonce (Galaxy 0 Planet 129) to big, heavily clustered, but pale blurs - you'd enter
"0 129" =
"sky_blur_cluster_chance" = "0.9";
"sky_blur_alpha" = "0.1";
"sky_blur_scale" = "32.0";
=About the Inhabitants=
0: Anarchy
0: Anarchy
Line 53: Line 119:
0: Rich Industrial
0: Rich Industrial
Line 73: Line 138:
==Tech Level==
==Tech Level==
An integer between 0 and 13 indicating the sophistication of the planets technology.
An integer between 0 and 14 indicating the sophistication of the planets technology. The tech level displayed on the system data screens in game is one higher than this number (range 1 to 15).
"techlevel" = "13";
An integer between 0 and 67 indicating the amount of inhabitants of a planet.
An integer between 0 and 67 indicating the number of inhabitants of a planet in hundreds of millions
"population" = "23";
An integer indicating the productivity of a planet.
An integer indicating the productivity of a planet.
"productivity" = "1000";
<integer>1000 </integer>
An integer between 3000 and 7000 indicating the radius of a planet.
The name of the planet.
"name" = "The planet's name";
<integer>3000..7000 </integer>
The name for one of the inhabitants of the main planet.
The name of the planet.
"inhabitant" = "Green Platypus";
<string>The planet's name</string>
Warning: This name is only used at the "Short Range Chart" (F6) and the "Data Screen" (F7). On the "Long Range Screen" you still will see the old name. And also %I and %H will refer to the original name. e.g the docking computer and all kind of other stuff uses these codes with original names..
A name of the inhabitants of the planet.
The name of the inhabitants of the main planet.
"inhabitants" = "Green Platypi";
<string>Human Colonials</string>
A short description of the planet.
A short description of the planet.
"description" = "Really, anything you want to say about the place!";
==Government Description==
Overrides the default text used to describe the government.
"government_description" = "Dictatorship (Monarchy)";
<string>Really, anything you want to say about the place!</string>
==Economy Description==
Overrides the default text used to describe the economy.
"economy_description" = "Mainly Industrial (Machine Tools)";
==Ambient lighting==
==Population Description==
(Oolite version >= 1.64) Sets how much ambient light (shed by stars and nebulae) illuminates the dark side of objects like planets and ships. Values should typically be between 0.0 and 1.0 (1.0 is the default) but can be higher for a flat lit, cartoon-like effect.
Overrides the default text used to describe the population.
"population_description" = "13 Billion";
==Random Seed==
==Atmosphere rotational velocity==
A seed for a random number generator used in Oolite 1.81 to generate system properties impractical to store in this file (e.g. the positions of each star on the background starfield)
For historical reasons, this is a string of 6 integers between 0 and 255, for example:
random_seed = "74 90 72 2 83 183";
=System population=
These properties are only used in Oolite 1.79 or later.
The name of the worldscript function which will be used to [[Oolite_System_Populator|populate the system]]
"populator" = "systemWillPopulate";
The name of the worldscript function which will be used to [[Oolite_System_Populator|repopulate the system]]
"repopulator" = "systemWillRepopulate";
=Properties of the Planet=
Most of these properties are ignored if a planet texture is set.
Note that the available planet texture generator properties changed in places between Oolite 1.77 and Oolite 1.80
==Atmosphere Rotational Velocity==
Sets how fast the atmosphere is rotating. (A random value between 0.0 to 0.03 is the default).
Sets how fast the atmosphere is rotating. (A random value between 0.0 to 0.03 is the default).
"atmosphere_rotational_velocity" = "0.1";
==Cloud Alpha==
==Land HSB Color==
The transparency level of the cloud layer, relative to the standard transparency. 1.0 is the default. Texture packs which include clouds on the planetary texture may wish to reduce this.
"cloud_alpha" = "0.2";
==Has Atmosphere==
This boolean property is used for the main planet only. If it is unset or true, the main planet has an atmosphere, as is always the case in 1.80 and before. If it is set to be false, then the planet will not have an atmosphere.
"has_atmosphere" = 0;
<string>0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0</string>
This has no effect on secondary planets - their atmosphere is determined by whether addition uses <code>addPlanet</code> or <code>addMoon</code>.
==Land Color==
"land_color" = "0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0";
==Percent Cloud==
The percentage of the planet's atmosphere occupied by clouds.
"percent_cloud" = "0..100";
Note that with a low cloud_alpha setting not all of the clouds defined here may actually be visible
==Percent Ice==
The percentage of the planet occupied by the polar ice caps. Oolite 1.81 or later.
"percent_ice" = "0..100";
==Percent Land==
==Percent Land==
The percentage of the planet occupied by land.
The percentage of the planet occupied by land.
"percent_land" = "0..100";
==Planet Distance==
(1.81 or later)
The distance from the centre of the planet to the witchpoint. Only used for the system main planet - secondary planets are positioned separately.
"planet_distance" = "410000";
The main planet is always positioned on the z-axis.
==Planet Name==
The planet's name. For the main planet, this defaults to being the same as the system name - the property is mainly intended for secondary planets.
"planet_name" = "Earth";
==Polar Land Color==
Sets the land colour in polar regions.
"land_color" = "0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0";
==Sea HSB Color==
==Polar Sea Color==
Sets the sea colour in polar regions.
"sea_color" = "0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0";
<string>0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0</string>
An integer between 3000 and 7000 indicating the radius of the main planet. On the F7 screen, this is measured in kilometres. The radius in game is 1/100th of this.
==Sky RGB Colors==
"radius" = "5500";
These are rgb values (from 0.0 to 1.0) for the two colours between which the colour of the stars (and nebulaesque blurs) vary, ordered r1 g1 b1 r2 g2 b2 where (r1 g1 b1) defines the first colour and (r2 g2 b2) the second.
==Rotational Velocity==
A number describing the rotational velocity of the planet in radians per second. Overrides rotation_speed if both are set.
"rotational_velocity" = 0.0015;
<string>0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0</string>
Alternatively, starting with Oolite 1.69, two [[Materials in Oolite#Colour specifiers|colour specifiers]] may be used:
==Rotation Speed==
A number describing the rotational velocity of the planet in radians per second. Unlike rotational_velocity, this is affected by rotation_speed_factor.
"rotation_speed" = 0.0015;
==Rotation Speed Factor==
The type of station orbiting the planet.
The rotational speed of all planets whose rotational speed was set by rotation_speed and not by rotational_velocity will be multiplied by this number.
"rotation_speed_factor" = 1.0;
(Intended more for the universal section as a "personal taste" option than for individual planets)
==Sea Color==
"sea_color" = "0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0";
The replacement texture to be used by a system's main planet.<br>
==Station Roll==
For textures you can use lat-long maps (twice as wide as high) with a special elongation at the poles or cube maps. Other maps also will be wraped around planets but give always distortions.<br>
The speed at which the station rotates (as with all rotational velocities this is in radians per second).
Since Oolite 1.74 you can also use cube maps for planets. Cube maps are 6 times higher as wide and will be recognised automatic by Oolite, based on its dimensions. Cube maps are the preferred method because lat-long give some distortion and have the poles improperly placed in Oolites implementation. See also [[Planettool]] for conversion from lat-long into cube maps.
From Oolite 1.89 onwards, illumination mapping on custom planets is supported. The illumination map goes in the diffuse map's alpha channel. Low alpha values translate to high illumination. This allows for effects like city lights on a planet's dark side.
"texture" = "newPlanetTexture.png";
The illumination mapping feature is disabled by setting ''Graphics Detail: Shaders Enabled'' or lower in the game setting menu. ''Enabled'' at ''Graphics Detail: Extra Detail''.
==Sky Blur Cluster Chance==
==Texture HSB Color==
This is used for creating nebulae (typically 0.85)
This changes the overall hue of the replacement texture.
"texture_hsb_color" = "0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0";
==Texture NormSpec==
(Oolite v1.89 and higher). The external texture that will be used as a normal and specular map for the given planet. Colorspace should be linear, with the normal map in the r,g and b and the specular map in the a channel. The texture can be of either equirectangular or cubemap formats. This feature is available at the Extra Detail setting only. To set:
"texture_normspec" = "planetNormalAndSpecularMap.png";
=Properties of the Sky=
==Ambient Level==
Sets how much ambient light (shed by stars and nebulae) illuminates the dark side of objects like planets and ships. Values should typically be between 0.0 and 1.0 (1.0 is the default) but can be higher for a flat lit, cartoon-like effect.
"ambient_level" = "0.0";
==Sky Blur Alpha==
==Nebula Count Multiplier==
Typically 0.1
This is used for defining the number of nebulas. Default is 1.0. Number can be greater or less than default and is also randomised a bit.
"nebula_count_multiplier" = "1.5";
==Sky Blur Alpha==
Default 0.1
"sky_blur_alpha" = "0.0 .. 1.0";
<real>0.0 .. 1.0</real>
==Sky Blur Cluster Chance==
This is used for creating nebulae (typically 0.80)
"sky_blur_cluster_chance" = "0.85";
==Sky Blur Scale==
==Sky Blur Scale==
Default 10. Larger numbers generate bigger nebula, but slow down the game considerable on slower machines.
"sky_blur_scale" = "0.0 .. 128.0 or more";
==Sky N Blurs==
This is used for defining the number of nebulas (typical is 80, maximum is 1280). This key is multiplied by a "nebula_count_multiplier" definition in Oolite 1.81 or later.
"sky_n_blurs" = "800";
<real>0.0 .. 128.0 or more</real> <!-- typically 12 -->
==Sky N Stars==
This is used for defining the number of stars (typical = 600, maximum in 1.76 or earlier is 4800). This key is multiplied by a "star_count_multiplier" definition in Oolite 1.81 or later. In reduced detail mode, this number will be capped to 2400.
Script_actions work exactly as in shipData.plist. e.g.
"sky_n_stars" = "1200";
==Sky and Nebula RGB Colors==
<string>addShipsAtPrecisely: my_ship 2 wpm 0 0 15000</string>
These are rgb values (from 0.0 to 1.0) for the two colours between which the colour of the stars (and nebulaesque blurs) vary, ordered r1 g1 b1 r2 g2 b2 where (r1 g1 b1) defines the first colour and (r2 g2 b2) the second.<br>
(Default values are "0.75 0.8 1.0 1.0 0.85 0.6")
"sky_rgb_colors" = "0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0";
Sets the colour of a system's sun. (Added in Oolite 1.73)
Alternatively, two [[Materials in Oolite#Colour specifiers|colour specifiers]] may be used:
Can be any [[Materials in Oolite#Colour specifiers|colour specifier]] or [[Materials in Oolite#Named colours|named colour]]. Dark colours will be brightened.
"sky_color_1" = "redColor";
"sky_color_2" =
"hue" = "60";
"brightness" = "0.8";
"nebula_color_1" = "greenColor";
"nebula_color_2" = "blueColor";
==Star Count Multiplier==
This is used for defining the number of stars. Default is 1.0. Number can be greater or less than default and is also randomised a bit.
"star_count_multiplier" = "0.5";
Sets the radius of a system's sun. (Added in Oolite 1.73)
=Properties of the Station=
The market to be used in this system as the default market. It points to a key in commodities.plist
The replacement texture to be used by a system's main planet. (Added in Oolite 1.73)
"market" = "rockhermit";
Will use the rockhermit market as default for for all stations in the system. When no market is defined a key in commodities.plist is used that matches the role of the main station. Than that is not defined, the default market is used in this system.
In 1.81 and later, this is replaced by market_script
A Javascript file used to load a [[Oolite Market Scripts|market script]] for global system price and quantity modifications.
"market_script" = "myoxp_newsystemmarket.js";
The type of station orbiting the main planet.
"station" = "coriolis..dodec..special";
This feature is disabled by setting ''Detailed Planets:Off'' in the game setting menu. ''Enabled'' by default (''Detailed Planets:On'') from Oolite 1.73 onwards.
==Terraforming Example==
==Station Roll==
The speed at which the station rotates (as with all rotational velocities this is in radians per second) and affects all rotating stations in a system. For a specific station you can use the key [[Shipdata.plist#station_roll | station_roll]] in shipdata.plist.
For the planet Lave, you would use the key '0 7' (planet 7 in galaxy 0) Then you set the values. The following example sets Lave's sea to blue, land to green, and land to sea ratio to 75%.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<key>0 7</key>
<string>0.333 1.0 1.0</string>
<string>0.667 1.0 1.0</string>
If you press '!' on a long range chart, it'll dump the galaxy information to files in the same folder as Oolite. That'll give you a list of the planet numbers, and some other information about each planet for the given galaxy.
"station_roll" = "0.5";
Then you can override any of the settings listed above, for example to change Zaatxe's (Galaxy 0 Planet 8) inhabitants into blue frogs you'd enter
==Station Vector==
The direction of the main station from the main planet
<key>0 8</key>
"station_vector" = "-0.717 -0.668 0.201";
<string>Blue Frogs</string>
==Stations Require Docking Clearance==
You can use any or all of the keys in each of the entries. It's probably best to only use the key's you want to change. So, another example, to change the sky_blur_xxx settings for Zaonce (Galaxy 0 Planet 129) to big, heavily clustered, but pale blurs - you'd enter
Specifies if a player has to explicit ask docking permission. See also [[Oolite_Docking_Clearance_Protocol_%28v1.72_or_later%29|Oolite Docking Clearance]]
=Properties of the Sun=
The corona effect, modified by the first three properties mentioned below, is disabled by setting ''Reduced Detail:On'' in the game setting menu. ''Enabled'' by default (''Reduced Detail:Off'').
==Corona Flare==
Sets the overall size of the corona in proportion to its sun. (See note above.)
A number from 0.0 (invisibly small) to 1.0 (huge)
"corona_flare" = "0.075";
==Corona Hues==
Specifies whether the corona should have visible bands of colours within the corona. (See note above.)
A number from 0.0 (monochromatic) to 1.0 (vivid alternating colours).
"corona_hues" = "0.6";
==Corona Shimmer==
Specifies how quickly the corona colours change. (See note above.)
A number from 0.0 (very slow) to 1.0 (very fast).
"corona_shimmer" = "0.4";
==Sun Color==
Sets the colour of a system's sun.
Can be any [[Materials in Oolite#Colour specifiers|colour specifier]] or [[Materials in Oolite#Named colours|named colour]]. The specified colour is blended with 50% white so it will never be a saturated colour. Dark colours will be brightened by this blending.
"sun_color" = "blueColor";
==Sun Distance==
Sets the distance between the sun and the main planet in metres.
"sun_distance" = 924122;
Ignored if sun_distance_modifier is set.
==Sun Distance Multiplier==
Multiplies the distance between the sun and the main planet by this factor.
"sun_distance_multiplier" = 2;
Ignored if sun_distance_modifier is set.
==Sun Distance Modifier==
Sets the approximate distance between a system sun and its main planet. The standard distance is 20 planetary radii. Setting it much lower (10, or even less) will cause delays when generating systems, as Oolite compensates for possible collisions between the sun and other system objects.
"sun_distance_modifier" = "15.0";
In Oolite 1.81 or later, sun_distance_multiplier is more useful.
== Sun Gone Nova ==
Sets a nova sun in the system.
"sun_gone_nova" = "YES";
==Sun Name==
Stores the name of a system's sun. This is only implemented in Oolite from version 1.79 onwards, though was used by OXPs before then.
"sun_name" = "Alpha Centauri";
==Sun Radius==
Sets the radius of a system's sun. A number between 1000 and 1000000.
"sun_radius" = "100000";
==Sun Vector==
The direction of the sun from the main planet
<key>0 129</key>
"sun_vector" = "-0.717 -0.668 0.201";
=Custom Planet settings=
=Hyperspace Travel=
In Oolite 1.81 and later these properties have been moved into [[global-settings.plist]]
==Galactic Hyperspace Behaviour==
The key galactic_hyperspace_behaviour controls where the player will arrive after a G.H. has been executed. There are three possible types of G.H. behavior and are as follows:
1) Oolite standard. This is what we have up to this moment. Executing a G.H. jump will poisition the player in the next galaxy, to the closest non-isolated system with regards to their current galaxy coordinates. So, for example, if you jump from coordinates (100, 50) in galaxy 1 you will arrive in galaxy 2 at the same coordinates, unless these coordinates refer to an unreachable system, in which case the arrival point will be adjusted by the engine to maybe something like (102, 51). This is set as default behavior. It is set by assigning the string BEHAVIOUR_STANDARD to the galactic_hyperspace_behaviour key.
2) All systems reachable. Same as above, only this time we do not check for arrival at an isolated system. Using this method, systems like Oresrati in G8, the lower left hand cluster of systems in G7, the two islands of isolated systems in G6 etc. are now possible arrival points. If you land there, you may not be able to exit again, depending on the tech levels of the systems you get to. Mission scripters may want to use this. This behaviour is set by assigning the string BEHAVIOUR_ALL_SYSTEMS_REACHABLE to galactic_hyperspace_behaviour key in planetinfo.plist.
3) Fixed coordinates arrival point. This will make Oolite simulate some older 8-bit versions, that were putting the player in the same fixed point every time a galactic jump was performed, but there is also good potential for scripting (see below). This is set by assigning the string BEHAVIOUR_FIXED_COORDINATES to the galactic_hyperspace_behaviour key.
==Galactic Hyperspace Fixed Coords==
If the fixed coordinates method is chosen, then the engine will look in planetinfo.plist for a key named galactic_hyperspace_fixed_coords, from which it will read the actual coordinates that will be used as the arrival point in the next galaxy. If none is found, then coordinates (96,96) will be used.
==Hyperspace Tunnel Color==
One or two colours can be set, using RGBA format, to over-ride the appearance of the hyperspace tunnel effect.
hyperspace_tunnel_color_1 = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5);
hyperspace_tunnel_color_2 = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.25);
<!-- =Script Actions=
''This functionality is part of the legacy scripting system and is deprecated. Use Javascript instead.''
Script_actions work exactly as in shipData.plist, and get activated by the player entering the specified system, or interstellar space.
"script_actions" =
"addShipsAtPrecisely: my_ship 2 wpm 0 0 15000"
) -->
=Additional Planets=
Finally you can also add keys for your own custom planets and moons, eg.
Finally you can also add keys for your own custom planets and moons, eg.
"LavesPurpleMoon" =
The contents of the <dict> could be:
The contents of the { could be:
Orientation of the planet in space (seems not to be working correct)
Orientation of the planet in space (seems not to be working correct)
"orientation" = "0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0";
<string>0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0</string>
Position of the planet in space. You can use 3 or 4 parameters. With only 3 parameters the internal absolute coordinates are used.
Position of the planet in space. You can use 3 or 4 parameters. With only 3 parameters the internal absolute coordinates are used.
"position" = "0 -50000 0";
<string>0 -50000 0</string>
"position" = "pwm 0 -50000 0";
<string>pwm 0 -50000 0</string>
Radius of the planet in km. e.g. a value of 500 is drawn with a radius of 5000 meters but in player dialogues this value is presented as 500 km.
Radius of the planet in km. e.g. a value of 500 is drawn with a radius of 5000 meters but in player dialogues this value is presented as 500 km.
"radius" = "500";
Rotation of the planet in rotations per second.
Rotation of the planet in rotations per second.
"rotational_velocity" = "1";
The name of the texture file that is used to wrap around the surface.
The name of the texture file that is used to wrap around the surface.
"texture" = "grid.png";
Seed value used to set planet surface parameters. When no seed is defined it uses random values.
Seed value used to create the planet's surface features. If no seed is defined it uses the same seed as the main planet, and will create a copy of it.
"seed" = "1 2 3 4 5 6";
<string>1 2 3 4 5 6</string>
A lot of the keys for the main planet, like: '''percent_land''', can also used in custom planets.
A lot of the keys for the main planet, like: '''percent_land''', can also used in custom planets.
== Links ==
*[[Random number generator]] - originally used for creating planet descriptions
*[http://www.aegidian.org/bb/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=3860 seed = "1 2 3 4 5 6";]: Psuedo-random number generation & planet descriptions (2007)
*[http://aegidian.org/bb/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=3808 position = "x y z" in planetinfo.plist] (2007)

Latest revision as of 15:33, 24 October 2021

planetinfo.plist in 'AddOns/Config' contains a dictionary for each of systems for which you wish to set custom data. A list of all galaxies and planets can be found here. Each of the properties mentioned below can be set (but, notably, not the location of the main planet, which is hard coded into the system seed value):


Where Settings Apply

Universal Settings

Some options can be applied to the entire universe, such as ambient lighting levels, eg.

"universal" =

Universal options can be over-ridden by specifying the same option for a specific system or location in interstellar space. Obviously, not all options make sense to apply to the whole universe.

Interstellar Space

Conditions for interstellar space in general can be set with the “interstellar space” key.

Specific Systems

Each system is keyed by a string consisting of the galaxy number (0..7) followed by a space and then the planet number (0..255), eg.

"0 7" =

specifies system 7, in galaxy 0, Lave.

Specific Interstellar Spaces

You can also specify a position in interstellar space, eg.

"interstellar: 0 7 129" =

specifies the space in galaxy 0 between systems 7 and 129, Lave and Zaonce.

In 1.81 the property "link_color" when set on a specific interstellar space changes the colour of the link between the two systems in the advanced navigation array (assuming no route is in place above it).

Note that

"interstellar: 0 7 129" = // jumping from Lave towards Zaonce


"interstellar: 0 129 7" = // jumping from Zaonce towards Lave

are distinct locations and if they both need the same properties this must be explicitly set for both. When setting link_color, the lower system ID must be placed first, because of how the chart is drawn.


Settings other than "universal" in Oolite 1.81 or later have a 'layer' property from 0 to 3. The default value for planetinfo.plist files is 1. If multiple OXPs specify a setting for a particular property, the order they will be checked in is:

  • Layer 3 settings
  • Layer 2 settings (default for Javascript changes to data)
  • Layer 1 settings (default for planetinfo.plist)
  • Universal settings
  • Layer 0 settings (value for core game settings)

This allows OXPs to safely override each other's changes if necessary, and for OXPs which really need a specific setting in a particular system to set it at layer 3


"layer" = 2;

Terraforming Example

For the planet Lave, you would use the key '0 7' (planet 7 in galaxy 0) Then you set the values. The following example sets Lave's sea to blue, land to green, and land to sea ratio to 75%.


   "0 7" = 
      "percent_land" = "75";
      "land_color" = "0.5 1.0 0.5";
      "sea_color" =  "0.3 0.7 1.0";

Then you can override any of the settings listed above, for example to change Zaatxe's (Galaxy 0 Planet 8) inhabitants into blue frogs you'd enter


    "0 8" =  
        "inhabitants" = "Blue Frogs";

You can use any or all of the keys in each of the entries. It's probably best to only use the key's you want to change. So, another example, to change the sky_blur_xxx settings for Zaonce (Galaxy 0 Planet 129) to big, heavily clustered, but pale blurs - you'd enter


    "0 129" = 
        "sky_blur_cluster_chance" =  "0.9";
        "sky_blur_alpha" = "0.1";
        "sky_blur_scale" = "32.0";

About the Inhabitants


0: Anarchy

1: Feudal

2: Multi-Governmental

3: Dictatorship

4: Communist

5: Confederacy

6: Democracy

7: Corporate State


0: Rich Industrial

1: Average Industrial

2: Poor Industrial

3: Mainly Industrial

4: Mainly Agricultural

5: Rich Agricultural

6: Average Agricultural

7: Poor Agricultural

Tech Level

An integer between 0 and 14 indicating the sophistication of the planets technology. The tech level displayed on the system data screens in game is one higher than this number (range 1 to 15).


"techlevel" = "13";


An integer between 0 and 67 indicating the number of inhabitants of a planet in hundreds of millions


"population" = "23";


An integer indicating the productivity of a planet.


"productivity" = "1000";


The name of the planet.


"name" = "The planet's name";


The name for one of the inhabitants of the main planet.


"inhabitant" = "Green Platypus";


The name of the inhabitants of the main planet.


"inhabitants" = "Green Platypi";


A short description of the planet.


"description" = "Really, anything you want to say about the place!";

Government Description

This property was added in Oolite test release 1.81.

Overrides the default text used to describe the government.


 "government_description" = "Dictatorship (Monarchy)";

Economy Description

This property was added in Oolite test release 1.81.

Overrides the default text used to describe the economy.


 "economy_description" = "Mainly Industrial (Machine Tools)";

Population Description

This property was added in Oolite test release 1.77.

Overrides the default text used to describe the population.


 "population_description" = "13 Billion";

Random Seed

This property was added in Oolite test release 1.81.

A seed for a random number generator used in Oolite 1.81 to generate system properties impractical to store in this file (e.g. the positions of each star on the background starfield)

For historical reasons, this is a string of 6 integers between 0 and 255, for example:

random_seed = "74 90 72 2 83 183";

System population

These properties are only used in Oolite 1.79 or later.


The name of the worldscript function which will be used to populate the system


"populator" = "systemWillPopulate";


The name of the worldscript function which will be used to repopulate the system


"repopulator" = "systemWillRepopulate";

Properties of the Planet

Most of these properties are ignored if a planet texture is set.

Note that the available planet texture generator properties changed in places between Oolite 1.77 and Oolite 1.80

Atmosphere Rotational Velocity

Sets how fast the atmosphere is rotating. (A random value between 0.0 to 0.03 is the default).


"atmosphere_rotational_velocity" = "0.1";

Cloud Alpha

This property was added in Oolite test release 1.77.

The transparency level of the cloud layer, relative to the standard transparency. 1.0 is the default. Texture packs which include clouds on the planetary texture may wish to reduce this.


"cloud_alpha" = "0.2";

Has Atmosphere

This property was added in Oolite test release 1.81.

This boolean property is used for the main planet only. If it is unset or true, the main planet has an atmosphere, as is always the case in 1.80 and before. If it is set to be false, then the planet will not have an atmosphere.


"has_atmosphere" = 0;

This has no effect on secondary planets - their atmosphere is determined by whether addition uses addPlanet or addMoon.

Land Color


"land_color" = "0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0";

Percent Cloud

The percentage of the planet's atmosphere occupied by clouds.


"percent_cloud" = "0..100";

Note that with a low cloud_alpha setting not all of the clouds defined here may actually be visible

Percent Ice

The percentage of the planet occupied by the polar ice caps. Oolite 1.81 or later.


"percent_ice" = "0..100";

Percent Land

The percentage of the planet occupied by land.


"percent_land" = "0..100";

Planet Distance

(1.81 or later)

The distance from the centre of the planet to the witchpoint. Only used for the system main planet - secondary planets are positioned separately.


 "planet_distance" = "410000";

The main planet is always positioned on the z-axis.

Planet Name

This property was added in Oolite test release 1.79.

The planet's name. For the main planet, this defaults to being the same as the system name - the property is mainly intended for secondary planets.


 "planet_name" = "Earth";

Polar Land Color

This property was added in Oolite test release 1.81.

Sets the land colour in polar regions.


"land_color" = "0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0";

Polar Sea Color

This property was added in Oolite test release 1.81.

Sets the sea colour in polar regions.


"sea_color" = "0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0";


An integer between 3000 and 7000 indicating the radius of the main planet. On the F7 screen, this is measured in kilometres. The radius in game is 1/100th of this.


"radius" = "5500";

Rotational Velocity

A number describing the rotational velocity of the planet in radians per second. Overrides rotation_speed if both are set.


"rotational_velocity" = 0.0015;

Rotation Speed

A number describing the rotational velocity of the planet in radians per second. Unlike rotational_velocity, this is affected by rotation_speed_factor.


"rotation_speed" = 0.0015;

Rotation Speed Factor

The rotational speed of all planets whose rotational speed was set by rotation_speed and not by rotational_velocity will be multiplied by this number.


 "rotation_speed_factor" = 1.0;

(Intended more for the universal section as a "personal taste" option than for individual planets)

Sea Color


"sea_color" = "0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0";


The replacement texture to be used by a system's main planet.

For textures you can use lat-long maps (twice as wide as high) with a special elongation at the poles or cube maps. Other maps also will be wraped around planets but give always distortions.
Since Oolite 1.74 you can also use cube maps for planets. Cube maps are 6 times higher as wide and will be recognised automatic by Oolite, based on its dimensions. Cube maps are the preferred method because lat-long give some distortion and have the poles improperly placed in Oolites implementation. See also Planettool for conversion from lat-long into cube maps.

From Oolite 1.89 onwards, illumination mapping on custom planets is supported. The illumination map goes in the diffuse map's alpha channel. Low alpha values translate to high illumination. This allows for effects like city lights on a planet's dark side.


"texture" =  "newPlanetTexture.png";

The illumination mapping feature is disabled by setting Graphics Detail: Shaders Enabled or lower in the game setting menu. Enabled at Graphics Detail: Extra Detail.

Texture HSB Color

This changes the overall hue of the replacement texture.


"texture_hsb_color" =  "0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0";

Texture NormSpec

(Oolite v1.89 and higher). The external texture that will be used as a normal and specular map for the given planet. Colorspace should be linear, with the normal map in the r,g and b and the specular map in the a channel. The texture can be of either equirectangular or cubemap formats. This feature is available at the Extra Detail setting only. To set:

"texture_normspec" = "planetNormalAndSpecularMap.png";

Properties of the Sky

Ambient Level

Sets how much ambient light (shed by stars and nebulae) illuminates the dark side of objects like planets and ships. Values should typically be between 0.0 and 1.0 (1.0 is the default) but can be higher for a flat lit, cartoon-like effect.


"ambient_level" = "0.0";

Nebula Count Multiplier

This is used for defining the number of nebulas. Default is 1.0. Number can be greater or less than default and is also randomised a bit.


"nebula_count_multiplier" = "1.5";

Sky Blur Alpha

Default 0.1


"sky_blur_alpha" = "0.0 .. 1.0";

Sky Blur Cluster Chance

This is used for creating nebulae (typically 0.80)


"sky_blur_cluster_chance" = "0.85";

Sky Blur Scale

Default 10. Larger numbers generate bigger nebula, but slow down the game considerable on slower machines.


"sky_blur_scale" = "0.0 .. 128.0 or more";

Sky N Blurs

This is used for defining the number of nebulas (typical is 80, maximum is 1280). This key is multiplied by a "nebula_count_multiplier" definition in Oolite 1.81 or later.


"sky_n_blurs" = "800";

Sky N Stars

This is used for defining the number of stars (typical = 600, maximum in 1.76 or earlier is 4800). This key is multiplied by a "star_count_multiplier" definition in Oolite 1.81 or later. In reduced detail mode, this number will be capped to 2400.


"sky_n_stars" = "1200";

Sky and Nebula RGB Colors

These are rgb values (from 0.0 to 1.0) for the two colours between which the colour of the stars (and nebulaesque blurs) vary, ordered r1 g1 b1 r2 g2 b2 where (r1 g1 b1) defines the first colour and (r2 g2 b2) the second.
(Default values are "0.75 0.8 1.0 1.0 0.85 0.6")


"sky_rgb_colors" = "0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0 0.0..1.0";

Alternatively, two colour specifiers may be used:

"sky_color_1" = "redColor";
"sky_color_2" =
    "hue" = "60";
    "brightness" = "0.8";

"nebula_color_1" = "greenColor";
"nebula_color_2" = "blueColor";

Star Count Multiplier

This is used for defining the number of stars. Default is 1.0. Number can be greater or less than default and is also randomised a bit.


"star_count_multiplier" = "0.5";

Properties of the Station


The market to be used in this system as the default market. It points to a key in commodities.plist


"market" = "rockhermit";

Will use the rockhermit market as default for for all stations in the system. When no market is defined a key in commodities.plist is used that matches the role of the main station. Than that is not defined, the default market is used in this system.

In 1.81 and later, this is replaced by market_script


This property was added in Oolite test release 1.81.

A Javascript file used to load a market script for global system price and quantity modifications.

"market_script" = "myoxp_newsystemmarket.js";


The type of station orbiting the main planet.


"station" = "coriolis..dodec..special";

Station Roll

The speed at which the station rotates (as with all rotational velocities this is in radians per second) and affects all rotating stations in a system. For a specific station you can use the key station_roll in shipdata.plist.


"station_roll" = "0.5";

Station Vector

The direction of the main station from the main planet


"station_vector" = "-0.717 -0.668 0.201";

Stations Require Docking Clearance

Specifies if a player has to explicit ask docking permission. See also Oolite Docking Clearance

Properties of the Sun


The corona effect, modified by the first three properties mentioned below, is disabled by setting Reduced Detail:On in the game setting menu. Enabled by default (Reduced Detail:Off).

Corona Flare

Sets the overall size of the corona in proportion to its sun. (See note above.)

A number from 0.0 (invisibly small) to 1.0 (huge)


"corona_flare" = "0.075";

Corona Hues

Specifies whether the corona should have visible bands of colours within the corona. (See note above.)

A number from 0.0 (monochromatic) to 1.0 (vivid alternating colours).


"corona_hues" = "0.6";

Corona Shimmer

Specifies how quickly the corona colours change. (See note above.)

A number from 0.0 (very slow) to 1.0 (very fast).


"corona_shimmer" = "0.4";

Sun Color

Sets the colour of a system's sun.

Can be any colour specifier or named colour. The specified colour is blended with 50% white so it will never be a saturated colour. Dark colours will be brightened by this blending.


"sun_color" = "blueColor";

Sun Distance

This property was added in Oolite test release 1.81.

Sets the distance between the sun and the main planet in metres.


"sun_distance" = 924122;

Ignored if sun_distance_modifier is set.

Sun Distance Multiplier

This property was added in Oolite test release 1.81.

Multiplies the distance between the sun and the main planet by this factor.


"sun_distance_multiplier" = 2;

Ignored if sun_distance_modifier is set.

Sun Distance Modifier

Sets the approximate distance between a system sun and its main planet. The standard distance is 20 planetary radii. Setting it much lower (10, or even less) will cause delays when generating systems, as Oolite compensates for possible collisions between the sun and other system objects.


"sun_distance_modifier" = "15.0";

In Oolite 1.81 or later, sun_distance_multiplier is more useful.

Sun Gone Nova

Sets a nova sun in the system.


"sun_gone_nova" = "YES";

Sun Name

Stores the name of a system's sun. This is only implemented in Oolite from version 1.79 onwards, though was used by OXPs before then.


"sun_name" = "Alpha Centauri";

Sun Radius

Sets the radius of a system's sun. A number between 1000 and 1000000.


"sun_radius" = "100000";

Sun Vector

The direction of the sun from the main planet


"sun_vector" = "-0.717 -0.668 0.201";

Hyperspace Travel

In Oolite 1.81 and later these properties have been moved into global-settings.plist

Galactic Hyperspace Behaviour

The key galactic_hyperspace_behaviour controls where the player will arrive after a G.H. has been executed. There are three possible types of G.H. behavior and are as follows:

1) Oolite standard. This is what we have up to this moment. Executing a G.H. jump will poisition the player in the next galaxy, to the closest non-isolated system with regards to their current galaxy coordinates. So, for example, if you jump from coordinates (100, 50) in galaxy 1 you will arrive in galaxy 2 at the same coordinates, unless these coordinates refer to an unreachable system, in which case the arrival point will be adjusted by the engine to maybe something like (102, 51). This is set as default behavior. It is set by assigning the string BEHAVIOUR_STANDARD to the galactic_hyperspace_behaviour key.

2) All systems reachable. Same as above, only this time we do not check for arrival at an isolated system. Using this method, systems like Oresrati in G8, the lower left hand cluster of systems in G7, the two islands of isolated systems in G6 etc. are now possible arrival points. If you land there, you may not be able to exit again, depending on the tech levels of the systems you get to. Mission scripters may want to use this. This behaviour is set by assigning the string BEHAVIOUR_ALL_SYSTEMS_REACHABLE to galactic_hyperspace_behaviour key in planetinfo.plist.

3) Fixed coordinates arrival point. This will make Oolite simulate some older 8-bit versions, that were putting the player in the same fixed point every time a galactic jump was performed, but there is also good potential for scripting (see below). This is set by assigning the string BEHAVIOUR_FIXED_COORDINATES to the galactic_hyperspace_behaviour key.

Galactic Hyperspace Fixed Coords

If the fixed coordinates method is chosen, then the engine will look in planetinfo.plist for a key named galactic_hyperspace_fixed_coords, from which it will read the actual coordinates that will be used as the arrival point in the next galaxy. If none is found, then coordinates (96,96) will be used.

Hyperspace Tunnel Color

One or two colours can be set, using RGBA format, to over-ride the appearance of the hyperspace tunnel effect. Example:

 hyperspace_tunnel_color_1 = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5);
 hyperspace_tunnel_color_2 = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.25);

Additional Planets

Finally you can also add keys for your own custom planets and moons, eg.

"LavesPurpleMoon" =

The contents of the { could be: Orientation of the planet in space (seems not to be working correct)

"orientation" = "0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0";

Position of the planet in space. You can use 3 or 4 parameters. With only 3 parameters the internal absolute coordinates are used.

"position" = "0 -50000 0";


"position" = "pwm 0 -50000 0";

Radius of the planet in km. e.g. a value of 500 is drawn with a radius of 5000 meters but in player dialogues this value is presented as 500 km.

"radius" = "500";

Rotation of the planet in rotations per second.

"rotational_velocity" = "1";

The name of the texture file that is used to wrap around the surface.

"texture" = "grid.png";

Seed value used to create the planet's surface features. If no seed is defined it uses the same seed as the main planet, and will create a copy of it.

"seed" = "1 2 3 4 5 6";

A lot of the keys for the main planet, like: percent_land, can also used in custom planets.
