Imperial Star Destroyer
Two ships: the Star Destroyer and the Imperial Star Destroyer
ship name::Star Destroyer | |
![]() | |
Size (W×H×L) | 1093×ship height::543×ship length::2031 |
Cargo capacity | ship cargo capacity::1000 TC |
Cargo bay extension | ship cargo extension::not available |
Maximum speed | ship speed::0.2 LM |
Manoeuvrability | Roll: 0.2 Pitch: 0.2 |
Energy banks | ship energy banks::125 |
Energy recharge rate |
Excellent (ship energy recharge::32) |
Gun mounts | 30 plasma turrets |
Missile slots | ship missile slots::16 |
Shield boosters available | ship supports shield booster::Yes |
Military shields available | ship supports mil shields::Yes |
Hyperspace capable | ship can hyperspace::Yes |
OXP or standard | {{#set:ship is standard=OXP}}OXP |
Available to player | ship is player flyable::yes |
Base price | ship base price::100,000,000₢ |
ship name::Imperial Star Destroyer | |
![]() | |
Size (W×H×L) | 1093×ship height::543×ship length::2031 |
Cargo capacity | ship cargo capacity::1000 TC |
Cargo bay extension | ship cargo extension::not available |
Maximum speed | ship speed::0.2 LM |
Manoeuvrability | Roll: 0.2 Pitch: 0.2 |
Energy banks | ship energy banks::125 |
Energy recharge rate |
Excellent (ship energy recharge::64) |
Gun mounts | 30 plasma turrets |
Missile slots | ship missile slots::16 |
Shield boosters available | ship supports shield booster::Yes |
Military shields available | ship supports mil shields::Yes |
Hyperspace capable | ship can hyperspace::Yes |
OXP or standard | {{#set:ship is standard=OXP}}OXP |
Available to player | ship is player flyable::yes |
Base price | ship base price::200,000,000₢ |
ship name::Imperial Star Destroyer (in v1.3) | |
![]() | |
Size (W×H×L) | 1093×ship height::543×ship length::2031 |
Cargo capacity | ship cargo capacity::1000 TC |
Cargo bay extension | ship cargo extension::not available |
Maximum speed | ship speed::0.1 LM |
Manoeuvrability | Roll: 0.05 Pitch: 0.05 |
Energy banks | ship energy banks::15 |
Energy recharge rate |
Excellent (ship energy recharge::5.0) |
Gun mounts | 24 plasma turrets |
Missile slots | ship missile slots::8 |
Shield boosters available | ship supports shield booster::Yes |
Military shields available | ship supports mil shields::Yes |
Hyperspace capable | ship can hyperspace::Yes |
OXP or standard | {{#set:ship is standard=OXP}}OXP |
Available to player | ship is player flyable::no |
Base price | ship base price::not for sale |
Imperial-class Star Destroyers are constructed by Kuat Drive Yards and hold a distinguished place in the Imperial Navy, symbolizing the Empire's military might with a peak number of more than 25,000 vessels. Like the Victory- and Venator-class ships that precede it, the Imperial Star Destroyer is most notable for its massive size and overwhelming firepower; a single Imperial-class ship is capable of overwhelming most starships or devastating a hostile planet, and its mere presence is often enough to deter rebellion. At 1,600 meters long, Imperial-class Star Destroyers are armed with turbolasers, ion cannons and tractor beam projectors. They carry 72 TIE fighters, numerous ground forces (including stormtroopers, 20 AT-ATs and 30 AT-STs), a prefabricated base for rapid deployment to planetary surfaces and a variety of support and landing craft.
Following the climactic Battle of Endor, the Rebel Alliance captured several Imperial-class ships and added them to their own fleet. As the Rebel Alliance transitioned into the New Republic and gradually took large portions of the galaxy from the remnants of the Empire, it was able to procure more of the powerful ships as well as the vital shipyards and facilities with which to operate them. Although the New Republic eventually upgrades its starfleet with newer ship types, the Imperial-class Star Destroyer remains in service well into the New Jedi Order era and fights during the Yuuzhan Vong war.
How to get one.
Well, you can spend endless hours grinding your way up to earn the dosh - or you can edit your save file - or you can enter player.replaceShip("stardestroyer-player") in the Debug Console if you have the OXP Developer release version of Oolite loaded (not the "nightly version"). Once you have a save-file with the ISD, you can then use the file with normal Oolite.
You get a Star Destroyer that has 4 Military Lasers and 3 Missiles with another 13 unused missile bays. Also 72 Tie fighters with your very own factory for making more of them. And a shuttle for docking (see below).
- Astrogatory: an Advanced Space Compass, Wormhole Scanner, Docking Computers, a Galactic Hyperdrive, & External Heat Shielding. 2 Fuel Injectors.
- Then 2 each of Military Scanner Filter (filters out jamming from jammers)
- Defence: Shield Boosters & Military Shield Enhancement and a Naval Energy Unit, Then 2 each of ECM & Escape Pod
- Offence: Scanner Targeting Enhancement & Multi-Targeting System.
- Other: Dual Fuel Scoops
And then depending on your favourite OXP cocktail, such other goodies as Telescope, and its amplifying Gravity Scanner & Large Dish. Or HardShips will equip the ship with HardArmourX (battleship armour).
Just look at the F5 page and drool! Be warned - there is no automatic award of an Express Tea Maker, which seems quite incredible bearing in mind the size and cost of the jolly thing (both massive).
Manoeuvering this thing is ponderous. Acceleration and Braking take time, as does use of Injectors & Torus Drive.
Watch out. The sheer size of the Star Destroyer makes docking almost impossible. Almost - you will have to aim extremely carefully. However as soon as you target a station (press 'r') and are closer than 25,000 km a tiny little shuttle will launch, shoot away and dock at the station on your behalf. The only drawback: you cannot calculate the time it will take the shuttle to dock.
- If you add ILS to your OXP cocktail, be warned: you cannot dock with the Orbital Station in your ISD. Brake! The ILS will prime your shuttle which will then whizz off and dock for you.
- Also it seems to be impossible to land on a planet - it is irrelevant whether you have the planetary landing enhancement or not.
If you get involved in a fight the fighters and escorts you have will automatically deploy and defend the destroyer or attack the selected target. They will fly in formation around the destroyer afterwards and return when the alert status is green. If you race away with fuel injectors they will have a hard time following you, and if you embark on a witchspace jump you will loose them completely. So you had better call them back in time. It seems all you can do is to trigger the witchspace jump, see the comms messages and cancel the jump if not enough fighters have docked (see
One can also add Sniper Gun fittings to the Star Destroyer.
It seems a destroyer might have one or two more weapons than a small fighter. But one still has to control these weapons!
Lasers: The destroyer has the four laser directions (front, aft, starboard and port) as all the ships. On top it has turrets and fighters that are AI controlled. Don't try to equip the ship with military grade lasers - it already has them. The destroyer will currently shoot with a barrage of four lasers in parallel (24-30 turrets). If you reconfigure the ship, you may well lose that feature!
Tractor Beams: It is said that Cargo Stoppers work very well with the fitted Fuel Scoops making them much more usable.
Armour: Note that whereas Ironhide armour for a Cobra MkIII costs 750₢, the equivalent for a Star Destroyer costs 22,650.6₢!
The ISD comes with 9,235 officers & 27,850 enlisted crew. You are in charge! The 9,700 stormtroopers are an optional extra!
- Downloadable through the in-game Expansions Manager or StarDestroyer_1.6.oxz (downloaded 1876 times).
Recommended: BigShips! GalCop Missions for the Cargo Stopper (tractor beam). And don't try this without HD Backgrounds & HD Backgrounds Image Pack A - they really add to the immersion element.
Old versions: StarDestroyer_1.5.oxz (downloaded 255 times).
StarDestroyer_1.4.oxz (downloaded 493 times).
Download Version 1.3 Updated on 5/6/2011. now on
Version History
- Version 1.1 now has an edited test script that prevents it from appearing outside every station and it also has a more aggressive AI
- Version 1.2 Fixed turret orientation error causing many log errors
- Version 1.3 Due to a typo in the shipdata.plist all the turrets were on the left side of the ship, this is now fixed (meaning you can no longer kill it from underneath as easily)
- Version 1.4 is a modified version of Staer9's Star Destroyer v1.3 by GGShinobi and Norby.
Changes by GGShinobi
- reduced acceleration, but higher top speed and turn rates.
- massively increased energy recharge rate and max energy
- high probabilty that it has advanced equipment like military scanner filters or shield boosters
- massively increased offensive potential: in addition to the already present turrets, it now has military lasers (fore/aft) and thargoid lazers (sides), giving it the ability to attack targets from far away and also shoot targets at medium range regardless of angle (thargoid lazers).
- many missiles, and it uses them!
- many escape capsules which you might scoop
- there is a chance that the star destroyer doesn't merely explode, but that the reactor core is hit, which will result in a massive explosion similar to the detonation of a Q-Bomb! The crew of the Star Destroyer will broadcast a desperate message if that happens, which will give you enough time to clear the blast radius (if you are lucky).
Changes by Norby
- Player version added, available from TL12 and cost 100 million credits.
- 30 turrets oriented around the hull in each 45 degree so no holes in the defensive sphere.
- TIE Fighters and TIE Interceptors added from Star Wars Ships OXP as escorts of Star Destroyers.
- There are 72 fighters in internal hangar which intercept attackers.
- Player get replacement fighters at arrival screen in the next station for cheap cost.
- Fighter groups and actual targets are listed in MFD.
- Hexagon escort formation around Star Destroyers, following the Imperial logo.
- Fighters land back in green alert, tractor beam will help to arrive into the hangar.
- Fighters must land before hyperjump, you should cancel countdown if time is not enough.
- TIE Interceptors require the more advanced Imperial-class Star Destroyer (cost: 200MCr).
- Can dock to stations by Shuttle. The shuttle can be launched by ILS (cautiously) if one "target locks" the station.
- Shuttle Stats:
- Size: 39m wide x 51m high x 30m long
- Speed/Thrust: 0.37 / 0.03 LM
- Roll/Pitch: 1.0 / 1.0
- Cargo Capacity: 75 TC
- Energy Banks: 4
- Weapon Mounts: yes
- Missile Slots: 0
- Hyperspace Capable: yes
- Most ship stats are set between Staer9's original and GGShinobi's nightmare version.
- New gray textures made in MaPZone, new normal map and shaders added.
- Contain Heavy Sniper Gun mounts in forward and aft views for Sniper Gun OXP.
- Spawn script removed, new pirate roles added and bigTrader role for BigShips OXP.
- Packaged into OXZ format for in-game expansion manager.
- Version 1.5
- Fighters got hull value instead of zero recharge to fix exhausted fighters.
- Fighters not owned by the player show owner in the name.
- Interstellar Tweaks OXP supported by naval fighters with blue scanner color.
- Ball turrets range increased to 7000m.
- Fixed Shuttle model in Oolite 1.80.
- Version 1.6
- Fixed for Trophy Collector OXP, thanks to montana05.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License version 4.0. If you are re-using any piece of this OXP, please let me know by sending an e-mail to norbylite at
The work of GGShinobi is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit
- Handling the Imperial Star Destroyer (2021)
- (Release) Star Destroyer 1.4-1.6 (2016-20)
- Playing Cobras vs Star Destroyers (2012)
- Release (2011)
- Fandom wiki page on Star Destroyer
Other relevant OXPs
- Star Wars Ships adds seven ships from Star Wars to the Ooniverse. From the Rebel side: the A-Wing, B-Wing, X-Wing and Y-Wing. On the Imperial side the Tie-Fighter, Tie-Interceptor and Lambda Shuttle are added. Note that the Tie-Fighters are not exactly identical to those contained in this OXP.
- Falcon (Oolite)
- Falcon S (Oolite)
- JadeShadow
Quick Facts
Version | Released | License | Features | Category | Author(s) | Feedback |
1.6 | 2016.07.23 | CC BY-NC-SA 4 | Star Destroyer with TIE Fighters | Ships OXPs | Staer9, GGShinobi, Norby | BB-Link |