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This is the Military Specification HUD. MilHUD, for short. This design is the product of Cmdr Wyvern's extensive experience in combat.
This HUD follows the KISS rule and the result is a HUD that's all business. The purpose of MilHUD is to maximize the functionality of Oolite's visual interface. The eyecandy is kept to a minimum, because too much candy means too little functionality.
Combat follows a simple formula: Be lethal or be dead!
- Target sensitivity built-in. The STE box will turn red when on target.
- Clustered compass and three-axis turn co-ordinator. Yaw indicator above the compass, roll below, pitch to the side.
- Sens-O-Cloak status light. Status light takes on an odd, subtle glow when the cloak is running.
- "Smoked Glass" underlays for radar, compass, and dials. Improves their visibility dramatically.
- NEW in v4.0: A next generation gun pipper system, the SquareShot holographic lasersight, designed to work in tandom with the Scanner Targeting Enhancement. A basic SquareShot mode is available without an STE, but the basic mode is usable at best at close ranges. To realize SquareShot's full capabilities, equip an STE.
- New in v4.0: Message and Comms appear in separate boxes above the lasersight, not scrolling up the middle of the screen.
- Fully customisable: Each element can be tweaked or disabled to your liking - details below.
Requirements & Versions
Version 4.0 uses features from Oolite 1.74 or greater.
- version 4.0 Dynamic switching for 1.74+. Rewritten in Openstep format, features NEW SquareShot holographic lasersight, and Comms & Message boxes.
- version 3.4 (Dynamic switching version for 1.74).
- version 3.1 (Fixed version for 1.74, updated 21st June 2010).
- version 3.0 (1.73 recommended, may work on earlier versions, updated 5th Auguat 2009)
- version 2 (OOSat) (1.65-1.72.2)
Further customisation is easily achieved by editing the property list (.plist file.)
- In version 1.73/trunk the HUD is broken into components. Editing is possible in earlier versions but 1.73 provides the greatest flexibility.
- The colours and transparency of the four elements of MilHUD's sniper sight can be tweaked individually via their <alpha> keys.
- For example it is possible to disable elements by setting alpha to 0.0 if the Cmdr wishes to retain elements of the original reticule display.
Known Issues
There is a possibility of this upgrade conflicting with the built-in reticule in earlier versions.
- Devised and written by Commander Wyvern
- Table of all OXPs
- Version 3 forum announcement (2009)
- Original announcement (2007)
- MilHUD 4000 is Wildeblood's modernised version of this (2012)
- Z-GrOovY MiLHUD is Dertien's modernised version of this (2013)